Thursday, April 2, 2009


i emulate like my showcase..where i make a tribute to..the hard.. sacrifice..where night calls my prize winning ideas..where the smiles of laughter greets your turning point of books..who i follow as my format where my lines of victorious signature..meets as it's audience..admiration of leaders..future writers..brings to mind.. a warm demand to display all and everything trans global..the peak of performance..where i place myself on a mantle piece of love exposed to the world..proud..royality becomes the gift from God..our master..chief of manuscripts unfold..opened to the public..i hear and obey life of what becomes poetry..spoken word..what indicate u and I..thoughts written down on paper..processed as a daily planner.. where i saw my soul..the essence sees vision cross paths..witnessed with my own eyes but..heard no sound..suddenly..outta mom's mouth..her lips were moving.. she was making conversation with me..after a hard day of work..where i had worked hearing disappeared..drifted in2 twilight..i ask..whats happening to me..i was so lips were moving..the powers that be was leaving me a deaf mute with a birth defect..the Lord had me try 2hear her..but..i still could not.. her voice was my eyes..where i tried to motion..something kept me from a switch that cuts off energy. where light took a walk..suddenly a strange thing happened..i never ever experienced before..while she was looking at me...i was reading her lips.. where she asked..what's sight started seeing writing going across her face..letters a composition in session..right before my fast as a train in motion..i was scared...i ask my mom for a pen and a piece of paper..again..i saw her mouth move..but i still did not hear what she said..i ask again for a pen..when she could not find one..i proceeded downstairs to my room.. at that point i felt a poppin sensation in my silence was breaking..i found a pen and a memo pad..proceeded to write..but what!!!..i did not know..all i wanted to do is write for some i was being lured..i finished within an hour went upstairs to show my that point..i realized ..i can hear her voice..i had written a full page poem..yeah..i had dabbled off and on..but didn't think nothing of it..became a hobby of mine..when my mother read the poem..she wrote this when u went that why u wanted pen and paper..sheila?..of which..i answered..yeah mom..she asked..did u read what u wrote.. i didn't..go and read your work girl..alone..before i left her..she made the sign of the cross in front of me..i had chills to go all are..what God had answered for me..the continuation..why i never got to finish my gospel poetry being published..i never would have had the plack.. if it wasn't for my grandson..Russell..i never would have the plack from the library of award for coming in first place..with their book..showing my prize winning poem on the front of it..(wake up and live) the title on it... owner..I'm blessed sheila and's your will be the finished product..God passed the gift over to you..daughter..u must not stop..right after..i started writing son survived the trade incident...her plack and his united negro college fund plack..hangs side by side. on our dining room wall...the gifts..that what i believe..a life worth giving back..I've become her mantle piece poet...thank you so much mom..for seed...where I'm making it for all of well as my partner you all..peace..CREATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHRONICLES (16:11-12) SEEK THE LORD AND HIS STRENGTH.. SEEK HIS FACE CONTINUALLY.. REMEMBER HIS MARVELOUS WORKS THAT HE HATH DONE.. THE JUDGEMENTS OF THIS MOUTH..