"The purpose of art
is not simply to show the world as it is,
but as it could be.' -Paul Robeson"
As the totem pole which swept u from
under the break of storms...
where i love everything about your form...
with a sweet sense of kind verse..
u angle me with succulent taste of Nubian fiber
enrich with blood that comes from royalty and dignified speech..
a sound that stretches throughout our history,
my Idol of masterpiece..
who i always identified my Partner and ace..
Lannie Ross..his double the reason I claim him...
the foundation of characters in an ode form mannerisms..
I always saw this man..as my equal to perfection..
one who shapes the coloric atmosphere of our times..an artist...
playwright..the 2 are my Idols of destintion..
swave..cool..devenure..handsome..my king of the Jungle..
a masterpiece theatre all wrapped up into one term..dignified..
for the Love of my Idol..Mr Paul Robeson..the great..
this is where I see talent emerged inside Mr Ross..
i'm waiting for this moment to arrive..
Create..Sheila T Jordan