These youth
men I had the pleasure
of watching..
umm..GROW..and to my surprise
it's been awhile since I seen
them all in
one room together
as family due to so much
going on in their lives w/
so much that happen while
growing up
in Pennsylvania..coming from
Jamaica and now where there
make their
home..ON TOUR as..
famiy unit..Inc
I watched played,,get in trouble
with the girls..my son & daughter
the rest of the Crew
in QUEENS..now here's wishing
them the best..
that is..there in production
as we speak..
I am so Proud of them..
God Bless you all..
TERRELL..u can see
all his artwork on
Marvel Comics..he got
a following that will
put a brotha outta business..
Check him out..he's
on point and I 'm not talking..
pen in hand..I"m talking ..
all that kinda ..u know..
Comic book
logic..w/ a pencil..
crayola's..Ink ..u name it..
he's all that ..and a
Dadw/ a wife ..daughter..
a bundle of love..Good Luck Guys!!!