Wednesday, May 25, 2011

2011 AIDS Walk New York - General Donation

My Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00 Money Raised to Date: $1,025.00"

No man lives..Written by me..Create to a dear writer ,friend..muah..Loveya...

"Sheila Create T Jordan <>Amar Taborn
No man lives comments leading
them n 2 barsof callous mischief or streets where
temptation be theirplayground, feels it's enemies of conflict,
moves the house from being moved..infected.inhuman.. pretends life breeds smile of decayed..mobilized, now wears shoes the size of a woman's Torso..not the head possessed.. never... loses balls..he feelin..we don't change what God gave man, just the strength of leadership..honor what builds character,plays, but no acts.. reality checks the true identities, lies within you..what a woman becomes..the likeness there of..manhood stays the infinite Wisdom..stored, nothing different,,but oh something gained..his own self Dignity and Powers to become a friend of mines,,i love.. Happy Born Day fruitof the god's AMAR..where ur light has God working over are business transact to approval.. Love you much..shine ..the Glow of love..standing.. where I am ur Book of Creation..Ms J..have a good one..Peace"