Tuesday, August 18, 2009


TAKE A NOTE;..Mr President Obama<2>Mr.Glenn Beck..FOX NEWS..

Infancy..ur the beauty to arrive mortality.where your dreams become reality

what make an entrance..what becomes years before negotiations.. 2 protect

and serve issues..the white washing of hands.. fit 2 shake..a Nubian phase

and clairvoyant commends.. oppressed..beneath his origin..a face other than

black..where the sugar cane plantations and watermelon..cotton pickin

trademarks of depression..what initiated the Emancipation spared..by LINCOLN..

what opens up with a humble heart and written proclamation..the words..

we slave no more..breaks the darkness..2 verse the cause..I am the Infancy born

2 reconcile old times..shows the present..a mother and father of my breed..named

biracial tone..compared to some..i'm no guarantees..where Nigeria made us one..

the irony of decision.. the mockery of flesh meeting me halfway..while the other

still color codes my existence.. a face painted..the Joker..played..a puppet on a string

mentioned in the media..the pale face..the educated Harvard Grad..the Columbia

University major..AFRICAN blood..past down through generations..our legacy..

invented strong arms..steel driving male figures..lifts his anvil..commence 2 b the

force.. medal tracks the road crossing..I built..leads us to victory.. i become a man

u tribute..his times..lifestyle of Infancy growth..what builds your land..your crops..

your interest as tools..freedom..it's creation..keeping us in line from tongues

beaten off..with no rights 2 pronounce myself proud..our prayers are answered..

a master plan.. but Born's me slave,before I am known..a king strong..bold remains

the bars held in contempt..still as your President..pleads to be free..holds Obama..

as racism himself.. your Capital white house elect.. yet u don't stop blaming..

what contradicts stereotypes.. the likes of patriotism down in history..what saw a

right and wronged it..try to help a hand..but turns it's back..what killed freedom..

wearing a tall hat..signing a peace treaty. change the face of colorlines and unity.

but majority had other things in mind.. John Wills Boothe..The assassinate..

relative of Glenn Beck..talking from his telepropter himself..dreams our people jeopardized..

becomes the culprit in the media..THE PROPAGANDA comes your way..

ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S SIGNs..What never came today or otherwise..freedom 2

walk away...A legend takes a step back...forwards his past..OUR skins calling it a truce...

No matter what it takes..white inside black..or visa.versa..the call to keep confusion

lives...no matter the caused 2 effect..slavery finds u guilty ..the penalties for

hypocritical oaths..being blackballed by this asshole..racist himself..another

way of saying ..get my black ignorant..undeucated..out..what got me

degrees of liberal magnitudes and hired someone with a beer binging ..makes

mistakes just like any human being.. his ethics are a disgrace to all white people ..

I wear as my trademark of my mother..an equal of sorts.. Democrat..your

ENEMY..what changes everything throw me outta the white house..

OVER MY BLACK BODY...whatcha gonna do....be like me...i think not..can't..

I am what u wanna be...President..thats spot is already taking..

yours truly..Barack Obama..have a nice day...Create...u know


MY THOUGHTS... The nature of what occurs,has it's following..in terms of listening,observing..flava..the taste of words and it's theory to plug in what's ready for your audience interest. keep the faith..doing is the key to writing in full circle and not backing out..saying..that's the breaks..become a wreck with no mind left to meditate thought..don't stop.. Create.sheila T Jordan.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a poet and writer of such..whats grabs u up and shakes the inner spectrum of life..becomes the relaxed state of mind,what bed of comfort souls embrace to knowledge ones escape..find the words to say and the end to measure what makes sense..baffles some,but gets even with the skeptics..what shakes the barrier sound and vibrates your form..the charm of love one moment to the roar of monarchs.. the kings and Queens of hip-hop..and if i rubbed you a lil informative and chase your dreams of poetry inside what becomes ordinary..why lyrics finds it way to your heart and soul..what bares your love and makes it worth the wait in times missed..DESIRE..a kiss goodnite..writes..happily ever after..take a bow..Creativity..Ms Sheila T Jordan