WELL..my bags are packed..
my ticket is ready..here I go..finally ..a trip to my girl
from NY..moved to Virginia 6 years ago..Iam now getting the opportunity to visit
the family..take a part in another Wedding..her youngest daughter..JAMILA..It's
been awhile seen we have got together...I am so excited..I remember when this girl
was just a teen when they left..Shirley got married..left NY..she's my cousin through
marriage..her cousin is Chris..my ex..we've been friends since her mother ..my friend
Willamena..who died..were neighbors of mine...right next door..close for years..love themwe use to party together..meet guys together..when the man who was currently w/her mom..where she went on a vacation to Mississipi..to visit relatives..she was found in the bathroom..hunched over..had an brain anurythm..word got back in NY..susie was young mother herself..w/ a daughter..the man who was taking care of them..find out...set a fire to the home for insurance purposes..made sure..there was nothing left for them..the fire suddenly spread through my window next door..smoke was everywhere..susie came home to no place to live..thats when.I came to the aid of her and shakerri..then 6yrs..i moved them in w/me...being my landlord was her godmother..in a small 2 bedroom apt..
I had..where she worked as a nurses aide ..like her mother..went to Queensbridge community college..met KOLENGI NAPIER..where she left my home..then down the years they had Jamila...broke up w/napier..and moved again to the project in far
FAR ROCKAWAY..REDFERN houses...lived there for 5 years..where she left NY..GOT married 2 A BROTHA SHE MET IN JAIL..and the rest is history..Last year..we made contact...where she found out about my mother ..told me ..she almost died from blood clots in her throat..and that when ...I shared w/her about my near death experience with a stroke..
we swore never lose contact again..SHE PAID FOR MY ticket..thats love
& friendship..touching moment..how u found drama as it's deed
2 help out someone..God comes along and save the day..
just thought I mention..
thanks 4 listening..it's time to go...seeya next week...
be back friday..the16TH...IN THE MEANTIME
PEACE ..HAVE A GOOD 1..Create..Sheila..muah!!!!