Friday, November 20, 2009

Amateur Illustrator - Galleries - freakyross's galleries/The lyfen' tym3z uf Fr3aKy R0$$ stumblin over Jakk Danny's/the african mask-arade

lets go bac..
not 2 far..just enuff 2
feature what I had
admired..this brotha finds himself..a G..
a definite means to survive..
I was going through
some yahoo past & presents..although it was
not by accident
I ran across this talented man
but..sometimes when u love a person..
become the flesh
of one's being..I discovered
he reminded me of
my past brotha
the art form..
the many ways his innocence
leaves words indescribable..
decent mannerisms
respect for whomever..this is how
I determined
my Love was creation..
what the mind feeds through..
a polished gentlemen who
has character..a need
2 b recognized..where eyes just stay
your goals in life leads u,
as the example
where age moves u .. growth elevates ur u adult..where time
gave you spread ur wings and fly
become the flight emerged
u are by far,my hero
I've admired so much and now as I give my
friend..some words of advice
when the earth circulates the moon
365 days of the year..facing difficult
times in the economy..
jobs are hard to come by
please stop and smell the roses
what breathe a fragrance of performance
arts & entertainment has been
left on ur doorstep..whatever you do..
it's been accomplished..
I will always believe in you
if ur kind of love I interprets as fallin...
somethin like what on going..but..truth b
said..ur mind I cherished..
I got philosophy
that order 2 energize a battery..
u gotta apply the powers that wears
the elect..
the tools 2 enhance
performance..this is where I come
as creation..the rib
of friendship spoken..
i wanna seeya
make it my partner..wanna see what's
been on hold..
words intensified
hands doing..what God gave u..
I mention...the crush of Love
was for the love
of brainpower..I feed off of knowledge..
faith..I have in you
as ..Success..all I see..
a very smart
your poetry
reads..I won't let u go..why..
When I found u..then
it was heaven..if i appear 2 b in ur way
forgive me..But..
GOD made no dummy's
logic..I happen 2 dig
brightlights in dark places...1~MIC~
where my callin speaks
my bloodlne..
become..Sheila T Jordan

One Chance..One Moment

"This is where I ounce.. memories..the past ..future and what remains a symbol ..what gives back to..this blog, I shared so many things, which is none to mention...nothing special.. but years of finding myself approval... where the eyes are shifty..sneaky and disturbing .. to say the least...but in my days.. down the road of depression and sadness... there a kind heart..a soft effect .. whats been so outta touch with reality, the hourglass of love..quickly evaporates .. like a dry sahara desert..I enter the life of a scorned female.. sending a message in a bottle.. paving a way for results hidden .. a story left to reveal...the pages of our archives, a family left to discover.. faces with no indentity...gone in search to b . support and meet the demands of tomorrow...4 today..
Create..Sheila T Jordan"
"What a beautiful e-mail from my beautiful sister-in-law...........I thank you so very much. Norma"

my son's affects of mom at the Hospital / on release

this broke me up..
of 911..only worst..he visualizes
where memories of his grandma living
is alive, but seeing her in a condition
that soon will bring the R E A L I T Y
he repeats Trauma all over again..
we have no control of
but to wait, make
moms days happy, comfortable
with L O V E
He writes me..the night we left the hospital..
"I apologize for not seeing you and grandmother off today. The combination of being overtired and really not being emotionally ready (although I thought I was) was a bit much. I love you, too, lady."
***H A P P Y *** T H A N K S G I V I N G S***
****J O R D A N *** F A M I L Y****
were all in prayer
I was assigned to her
from the family
so..this is what i will be doing
until..God Bless YOU all
hospice is what
my mother care provider
this will be her needs at home
where everything will b
provided.. all and everything
for her..Thank you..HOSPICE

Facebook | Sheila Create T Jordan

"the one thing I learned in life..if ur calm sense..they'll b no non-sense..once u follow innersense..u become one 2 prevent.. when this happens...all sense and purpose is well understood..all day ..every day..go in knows no battles or convictions or charges..NONE.. the accused.."Create