Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Live Your Life On Purpose: Inspiration: Still I Rise

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou [poetry] You may write me
down in
history With your bitter,
lies, You may trod me
in the very dirt But still, like
dust, I’ll rise. Does my
upset you? Why are you beset
with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like
I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my
living room. Just like moons
and like suns, With the
certanity of tides, Just like hopes
springing high, Still I’ll rise. Did
you want
to see me broken? Bowed head and
lowered eyes? Shoulders
down like teardrops, Weakened
by my soulful cries? Does my haughtiness
offend you? Don’t you take
it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve
got gold mines Diggin’ in my
own backyard. You may shoot me
with your
words, You may cut
me with your eyes, You may kill me with
hatefulness, But still, like
air, I’ll rise. Does my
sexiness upset you? Does it come
as a surprise, That I dance like
I’ve got diamonds, At the
of my thighs? Out of
the huts of history’s
shame I rise, Up from a past that’s
rooted i pain
I rise. I’m a black ocean,
leaping and wide, Welling
and swelling I bear
in the tide. Leaving
behind nights of
terror and fear, I rise. Into a
daybreak that’s
clear, I rise. Bringing
the gifts that
ancestors gave, I am the
dreamand the
hope of the
slaves. I rise, I rise, I rise."

Egyptian Goddess-Neith

Egyptian Goddess-Neith: "Neith Great Goddess. Cult Center: Sais in the western Delta Attributes: Neith was
a goddess of the hunt.
She may have
also been
a war
goddess. Her worship dates
from pre dynastic history.
In early times she was called 'mother of
the gods' and
'Great Goddess'. She was
considered the guardian
of men and gods. Later, Neith was seen
as a
protector of the
dead, she is often seen standing with
Nephthys at the head of coffins.
Or assisting
Isis, Nephthys, and Serqet to
guard the Canopic jars. As
'Opener of the Ways', she was a guide
in the underworld, a female Anubis. In
the Eighteenth
Dynasty she took on
attributes of Hathor,
as a protector of
women. As a creative deity she was said to be
the wife of Khnum at Elephantine. She
was appealed to for her wisdom
as an arbitrator during the great quarrel
of Horus and Seth. Neith assumed the role
of state deity during the
Twenty-sixth Dynasty, when
the kings of Sais repeled the invading
Assyrians and reunited
Egypt. This period lasted
for about a century and a
half and the tendency
in art and religion was
to try to regain
the glories
of the past. This was
a suitable time for
the worship of an ancient goddess. Representation:
Neith was pictured as a woman
wearing the red crown of Lower
Egypt, holding a
bow and crossed arrows. Her
cult sign was a shield and crossed arrows.
Occasionally she was
represented as the
great cow, mother of Ra. Relations: Varied with
time period. Mother of Sobek,
Isis, Horus and Osiris.
Or mother of Ra. The pharaoh
Nectanebo II of the
Twenty-sixth Dynasty,
claimed her as his Mother.
Wife of Khnum."