we meet again..
with much delight and
purpose, I smile and
bring you happiness..
Joy of knowing
love has it's moments, engaged
or living single, divorced..alone..
life has been sweet,
kisses & hugs Galore..
sharing what's good ,believe
... w/ all ur heart eternal..candy
coated lips, chapstick to bond
taste 2flava ourselves..
where I explore a reading ,your
words wear mines.
.what's deep
inside my soul..developes
chemistry fr/the day we first met..
eyes connect,
melts like a hershey w/
almonds wrapped up, Chocolate..
what is You, the fruits of life,
the ocean breeze that flows within
our bodies, the touch of
LOVEbegins...holding me ,
tenderly..whispering..I LOVE YOU
darling..I sigh..
times felt you, butterflies n my belly,
a warm blanket full of heat..
desires my heart , My soul, my safe
haven..where A valentine Wrote...
Friendships n A bottle.. we drift
out to sea...cruising together...
leaving behind memories
where Ours is like heaven..always
never taken for granted.**ROSEBUD**
Blessed By G O D..amen...