Today..i will be sharing a story of inner city broadcasting..with one of my
closest friend i ever known..like brother and sister.. tight with..we connected..
an all round..down to earth..loving ..cool and suave cat..it only took a great smile..dignified persona..and well driven attitude..to be an affiliate..while dealing with inner city broadcasting...from 1986-1991..i had the opportunity
to become friends with a great group of gentleman..the radio station seem to
set the pace for making things happen in my life..the station...107.5..WBLSwas turning the tables..playing hits that had me up and moving from good times to
always and forever by heatwave...love was the answer the bands were kickin back
then and well..i was out there..hanging ..with my children right behind me...of course..i had no company..back then..why??..i'll tell ya..they all wanted to get acquainted besides my future in front..as well as my access n life..lol..u get
me..i had no time for playin games or givin time 2 house guess..unfortunately..
i was a very involved lady..back in da days..with radio personalities..i started
going to all the parks..where they use to be..jammin and artist would be performing
and i would be right in front..with my kids on my shoulders..where the crowd
started to boogie..dance while the music was entertaining us..there he was...i
saw him standing tall..light skin..like myself..with a smile that would melt a
lady heart..i introduce myself..he abliged me.and that was that...it's been 23 years..we are hanging tough..with our children being around the same ages.. Shiheim..Shekira and Sheena..all such a beautiful family..he use to be on the
radio 12 midnight to 5:00am in da morning..we use to talk 2 one another..while
he would be on the air..having a great time..requesting slow jams..so as a result..
more shows came in our neighborhood parks..where i kept attending..taking the neighborhood kids..mine..everywhere..the station Bob would be appearing..the rest
is history..Dr Bob LEE is one of NYCs biggest well-known radio personality..not
only is this going on..he has a program which appears on the cablevision station
here in BRONXNY called..BRONX NET.ORG a talk show with a lot of impact..it's been
KIDS GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECIEVE A COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP..Bob has made the grade himself..a wonderful guy..good father and a champion..to all who knows his work..
he's an achiever..where he has given back to his people..I wanna thank u for being u..and thats the best at what you've become...a man with a mission..u Go my friend..u are my HERO..peace..GOD BLESS U..Create..Sheila..