though ur in heaven..
what was on Earth
fermenting..with limbs to broadcast
what was about 2 be..the seed blending
the soul submerged..with olive tone
laughter in the rain..showers u with love..
met all through ur
developement what becomes the
newborn.. makings of u who lead me to
waters that came before
the storms errupt..the bridge before
trouble began..turns..goes to be with
God almighty..I don't ask the QUESTION
why!!!!..I DON'T understand..the mountain
top..calling my child home before it's time
If the trial of lessons to live by..saw I LOST
what would have been..a Son.. to follow
my burden did I see..but a miracle
..all It was..showed previews of
my flesh & blood root
b welcomed in this world..I announced
2b a proud FATHER..2take on this task..
what claims ..discipline..ORDER ..THE
BEGINNINGs of Man..his offspring
a new concept of learning how 2 become
the horizontal position.. performs..
made human out of me and her..where
this too shall pass..the face of my future has
gone...can't explain.. there was none..sigh!!
the bitter w/ the sweet..proved ..the devil was
a lie..u still call an embryo of existence..
wearing a figure no less of herself..human
the love to bring forth our sperm bank in seconds ..
we are no parents were subjects..left in a cocoon
knowing it is what U have given.
why can't I feel it was do I except
this is who i have become..I don't understand
did I do something wrong..the tears are fallen
down my cheeks..can't ask for a's all
gone..what did i do..what!!!!!!
it just wasn't
the thang 2 the wrong place 2do me..
I suppose..GOD..I had it coming???..
THE TRUTH..I don't know ..WHY!!!!!
wasn't thinking goodbyes
leaving us so soon
CREATE..Sheila T Jordan