Date: 3 hours ago
Category: To: cws812je
Subject: Hello angel How r u doing ? it's said that men are meant to make the first move Umm ,
without asking u that i guess ur doing fine ,I'm Micheal Donald i seem to be new to this online
thing.Wowowow , I'm sorry if my wowow scares u but i feel like i'm looking at an Heavenly sent right now ,
Lol . Ok , A question Could this be an Angel? Just a view on your page i feel cool .
. some people have nice eyes, some have nice smiles, and some have faces but guess what?..
U have all of them, if angels were to be taxed ,i would be the highest taxpayer just for u ,Oh my Goodness
i still can't take off my eyes from your pic , Well i guess i have to leave now , I just hope and pray to get back a
message from u . I know i only see your picture i don't really know what your heart looks like but i would like
to know thats if you would like to know more about me as well .. if you go through my profile it would tell you
more about me..You seem to be very interesting..I'm seeking a relationship..Are you?.. you can im me or
add me on yahoo messenger as... michealdonald3535@yahoo.com .....Am usually online but you can
always drop me a offline msg or an email.....Take care and stay blessed Yours Sincerely,