Friday, October 1, 2010

"Education @ the Schomburg Teaching of the Constitution: Educators' Workshop Tuesday, October 5 - 5 pm Teachers are invited to deepen their knowledge of the document that frames the rights and responsibilities of all Americans with Gloria Browne-Marshall, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at John Jay College and author of Race, Law, and American Society: 1607 to Present. Registration required. Contact or 212-491-2234 for more info. For more Education @ the Schomburg events, click here."

Avid Follower's Page - Smiley & West

"The Twenty
Third Psalm Spoken By
The Cherokee People The Great Father above a Shepherd Chief is. I am his and with Him I want not. He throws me out a rope and the name of the rope is love, And he draws me to where the grass is green And the water not dangerous. And I eat and lie down and am satisfied. Sometimes my heart is very weak And falls down but he lifts me up again And draws me into a good road. His name is Wonderful. Sometime, it might be very soon, It may be a long, long time. He will draw me into a valley. It is dark there, but I'll be afraid not, For it is in between those mountains, That the Shepard Christ will meet me and the hunger That I have in my heart all through this life will be satisfied. He gives me a staff to lean upon. He spreads a table before me with all kinds of food. He puts His hand upon my head and all the tired is gone. My cup He fills, till it runs over. What I tell is true, I lie not. These roads that are 'away ahead' will stay with me through this life and after. And afterwards I will go to live in the Big Teepee, And sit down with the Shepherd Chief forever. Author Unknown."

My Page - Smiley & West

My Page - Smiley & West:
"At 3:07pm on September 27, 2010, sheila Jordan said… Once the verdict's in.. the prove will be self evident.. we are spiritually transformed ..from an embryo.. 2 born privileges..a school with.. liberties and justice..a junior's approching high..preparing.. the Last & final climb..where the statues of poets..prize winning AUTHORS..JUNIOR ACHIEVERs.. NOBEL PRIZEs PROFEESORs.JOURNALIST..RADIO PERSONALTIES..LIKE .. TAVIS & WEST..above..leaders.. in a Class ALL BY THEMSELVES.. breath in..Now release and LET GO.. THERE WILL B..A LIGHT.. WHERE THE TUNNEL,Breaks.. AND FREES OUR PEOPLE.... "THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED ' AFTER ALL ..AMEN..THANK U..BROTHERs..

Taking Chances/post

"Added I had 2 have a piece of U to their favorite blogs"
Congratulations Partner!!!
Sheila (me..:)
collaborator>(: you Lannie Ross; thank u for making this possible