we have blocks of separation on this picture...but..the sisters with fine
soft looks and smooth velvet skin texture..a variety of Nubian..culture..the
diversities combine with a spark of pigment..challenges itself among white..
defies the tone..habits me..to stand out or to smell the sweet nectar of juice
that flows from ones sweat glands..signify all 2 transcends..become color..but
opposites our men black beauties 2 change..what measures me on a scale of balance..
what examines the amount..QUANTITY of love from our brothas..what explains my qualifications as a beauty is the eyes of it's beholder..African American descent..strong..brave..NOBLE..so..what in the hell makes u think..while I read
your comments..u rave on the matter of WHITE..being chosen by a blk man,you so
ur superior to all his Queens..this was a topic of interest wriiten where she explains how she's upset..why all our sistahs are hating on the matter of our brothas choosen them over us,well as the story continue to strike a nerve in the
pit of my stomach..it just so happens.. A blk defense talks back..the anger..
the disgust..how you speak like u got it like that..don't take it out on us type thang going on...because blk men find us too fat..loud..on the offensive,wanna argue,wanna fight..wanna act like their angry with every white woman..well this brotha comes back at her with both barrels..he gave her a piece of his mind..blk..letting her know..just because a blkman except a white girl over his own,just because she stands up for herself,just because the facts are shes
superior to him..works harder..she purchases her own home..her own strengths and never takes shit off of him or anyone..she's a mother..wife to her husband and children..raised in a christan environment..our past history qualifications..with discipline and respect for her people..which you know nothing about..when your white..taking charge of mine..our life.. your eazy going..your scared of challenge,you kiss ass..lick us all around our genital..become the anals getting butt fucked..what you like coming from a blk man.. you do anything our brotha ask
u to do..the beauty is..what beauty does 2 u..at any size..shape or attitudes of sistahs..the culture..does not give you the right to tell any blk woman,your tired..when were tire of hearing cries about abuse..from the likes of blaiming
only black brothas being whipped because of accusing the blackman of rape every single time u drop your draws..behind closed doors..right now..he could be
playing yourass with his color & u say ur his...lady u talking shit..where we
have the right to put your ass out in the pasture..sweat like my mother did..like
my grandma did and like I still do..being a man..blk.. never looking down on any
black sistas...u can take that high sadity blkman with his education and good working skills..like you said he's got and kiss my ass..u making it eazy..with no means of christan values..what's cleaned your homes..washed your floors..cooked
your meals..where his ancestors's dick was being munched on..by the master's wife behind his back..kissing the best of white & being hated at the same time..thats
a wannabe mantality..a slave trade..u marketed..now u got networks,bringing up
the rear,feel me..blkman in corporate dwellings..thinking it's been your abilities
as a hard working brothas in business got him the position..moving on up..like
George Jefferson..it's called..living the life..kissing your ass..your never once ever experience as a black man..and this white woman..she's disrespecting...and while u at it..betta check yo'self,this is what it is,..sorry..apologies goes out
to u sistahs..here we go again...Slavery is back..that same bullshit...what goes around comes right back..but now wearing balls & our brothas cock..."Queens"..I
love ya..and I got your backs..SIGNED..a man called..nigga Please!!!!.u love 2 be with..CREATE...SHEILA T JORDAN