Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Meaning of Roses/ VIRGO''23..Create

The Meaning of Roses: "Combinations of roses can also show different feelings and emotions. Red and White - Unity Red and Yellow - Jovial happiness Pink and White - Forever love Orange and Yellow - Passionate thoughts Pale colors - Sociability and friendship"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Though I walk millions of the world over..with a smile..been held,
caressed through the lonely hours..carried a torch for so many fathers..mothers..
grand..with no support or baring in times of complex agony..where the tears carried
me on my trial..wearing buckets..pails with arms full of tears..unhappiness..what
appeared to be my lifeform of pain and passing me by..when all was lost..and I die,
unworthy of curtiousy.. shaking hands..a tender kiss..a
warm hug and embrace..THOUGH, I smile through out my unbelievable pain..the
gift of giving flowers..what graced my table..what pronounced u man and wife..after
a wedding ceremony..given..from being single and in love..mating the concept holding
on to forever, while the raindrops runs it's pendals down your cheeks..getting caught
in a shower of passion..attempts to steal that moment..when your heart gaveway 2..the
open arms of a bouquet in bloom..where I became Rose..found when a face worn with
no made sense...once and 4 all..I am color..a spectrum of God'...Creation..
Earth's child..VIRGO..23

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "White - Purity Colors range from pure white to creams to very light pinks. Varieties include Eskimo, Bianca, Akito, and Vendella. White roses are given to those who are innocent, reverent, and pure. They are very commonly used in weddings. They can also be given as a sign of secrecy. A white rosebud is used to show girhood. A white rose that has been dried means 'Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue'. A whithered white rose represents fleeting beauty, or given to show that no impression was made."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Lavender - Enchantment Varities include Allure, Bluebird, Blue Curosia, and Stranger. Lavender roses show that you have fallen in love with someone from the moment you saw them. It also can be given to those who you feel are very unique, and those who you feel are enchanting."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Yellow - Friendship Colors range from light yellow to golden. Varieties include Gold Strike, Skyline, Judy and Aalsmeer Gold. Yellow roses express joy, gladness, and friendship. They are given to new mothers, newlyweds, and graduates. They're also used as a reminder to a loved one to show that you care. In the past yellow was used to show jealousy and a decrease of love."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Orange - Desire Colors range from bright orange to coral. Varities include Tropical Amazon, Marlyse, and Sari. Orange roses are given to those who you desire, those you want to get to know better, or those who you are proud of."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Pink - Gratitude Colors range from light pink to peach to darker pink. Varieties include Ana, Livia, Pink Titanic, Rossini, Orlando and Attaché. Pink roses in general are given to those whom you want to show thankfulness, admiration, and happiness. The different shades of pink can have more precise meanings. Deep pink is used for appreciation and gratitude, where as light pink conveys admiration and sympathy, and peach roses are given to show modesty."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Red - Love Colors range from bright red to deep burgundy. Varieties include Charlotte, Forever Young, Classy, and Rouge Baiser. Red roses are given to those who you want to show love and passion, people who you have great respect for, and those who have shown great courage. The quantity can also have a special meaning. A single red rose shows love, a dozen shows gratitude, twenty-five shows congratulations and fifty show unconditional love. Two red roses tied together symbolizes an engagement. The shade of the red has a meaning as well. Bright red means love, burgundy means unconsious love, dark crimson is used to show mourning. A withered red rose is used to show that the love is over. A red rosebud symbolizes youthful love and beauty."

Wise Ones

Wise Ones: "I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it."

Wise Ones

Wise Ones: "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

Wise Ones

Wise Ones: "Not afraid of heights - afraid of widths"

John Rosenthal: Regarding Manhattan

John Rosenthal: Regarding Manhattan: "'Every song of lament is simultaneously a song of praise; we only mourn the passing of things we cherish. And what the images of Regarding Manhattan teach us how to cherish is the overwhelming, sometimes dangerous, yet always enlivening disorder and multiplicity of pleasure, ambition, and desire embedded in this most American of cities.' -Alan Shapiro, from the Introduction"