"We've all heard about it. The trite tale of the beautiful, educated,
upwardly mobile black woman that has attained every single ideal
goal in life, minus one major factor: a black man to marry.
Apparently, these women are everywhere, hence article after
article dissecting why they're all single and what they need to do i
n order to avoid -- gasp -- dying alone. They seem to need books, too.
Oh and the occasional special episode of their favorite reality show to boot.
By now you would imagine that given both black women and black men --
of varying ages, classes, sexual orientations, and levels of intellect --
have chimed in with their own largely unsolicited advice on the matter
that we could collectively move on, or at the very least, elevate the conversation.
Unfortunately, that hasn't happened, leaving my wonderful single female friends
to continue to be subjected to this same paranoia-themed discussion. This month the
Wall Street Journal published a story entitled 'An Interracial Fix For Black Marriage.'
The piece is on -- you guessed it -- why black women should look into dating white guys
in order to spare themselves the shame of being spinsters. The article was penned by
Stanford Law School professor Ralph Richard Banks, who not so coincidentally has a
book on the same subject called Is Marriage for White People?:
How the African-American Marriage Decline Affects Everyone."