On Thursday night..in Harlem NY..a 25 year old police officer..Omar j Edwards
was on his way home..he headed to his vehicle..was a break in..the car window
had been broken into..there was a struggle..while an on coming patrol car with fellow officers witness what was happening..where they thought the officer was
the perpetrator..open fire..shooting Mr Edwards twice..once under his arm and another to his chest..where he died an hour later..such a travesty..what i don't understand..why is it always the good who dies young in pursuit of justice..black..doing his job..off duty after pulling a 9to5..clocks out..while minding his own business...law biding..thinking he's going home to recuperate another day of serving justice to protect the innocence..he becomes the target..
by his own fellow officer..with an itchy trigger finger..instead of getting out
of the vehicle..run..on pursuit..to the seen of the incident..where the officer
sees his firearm..knowing something was wrong..proceeds to get the weapon down..where..Mr Omar Edward could identify himself by flashing his badge..respond
by yellin..i need backup..where the results left..one more life..no justice..a
young man black is once more..mistaken..the victim...GOD BE WITH HIS FAMILY..Rest
in peace..Brotha Omar another 1 down..don't make no damn sense RECRUITERS..Just
tryin 2 make Dollah..outta 15 cents..no chump change..the price u pay for living right and die trying..PEACE..Create..Sheila T Jordan