I LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME...Why does one take so much out on negative words
and actions..labling me the force to be dealt with..where my soul beats
anger..where a part of life..throwing stones and beating up on behavior..
you wake with the simplicity..calm..trying to stay away from negative
outburst..what makes the day go all wrong..though your heart speaks out of
love and bitterness..rips your feelings apart with no explanation..it's what
God tells us ..this too shall past..where mistakes makes a pat to forgive
and let it go..give it to him and hold yourself together..the days that we
live are more devistating..where evil cries for a normal conversation..
Dear Lord..PLEASE help my character..restore my love..allow this anger to
be lifted from having problems within this circle of fortune and release
tension and pain within my body...gain back the love..where understanding
can't get pass disagreements...in the name of Jesus..i ask that u change what
can't be explained...i am my own woman..the structure built from seed faith..
what seems to break communication..what love shows no mercy..but wears a sinful
reaction to how i explain..sheila ..what others say..it's how i speak..the way
i say it..with no indication of how it sounds..keep me in your prayers ..My LORD..
save us from this war of words kept on going..i wanna live like everyone u gave
life from there mamas womb..healthy..sttrong..mature a woman..loved from the
time of birth..up to now..i learned how 2 pray...help make this go away..in your name..Christ Jesus..Amen....Create