Here we are again, in the basement section over the fish tanks...
from what I understand every mask w/ something on it's
face represent a tribe
Dale's Dean where he was found by his children
this is the other end of the room..a nice peace way to live
This is there livingroom, the upper part of the home..
his dad found while digging one day..they
were buried under the ground where they
live..isn't that
shop outside Dallas, her home is filled with them and I
just went berserk,examining all the many collections she
had..just Beautiful..:)
around, hugging one another..but what's so special
about this..It opens wide and the top glass drops n
to a larger size,the bodies open
I think this mask was taking b4..but it's never overlooked
THEM..this is in the basement
My Place to hang out..she has a bar,music and entertainment
and african artifacts,@A55inch TV..i was in
I was in PARADISE...Whoopie!!!
I would sit, while relaxing in her livingroom..
meditating..and wondering just how does a love so beautiful, well put
together, he did all the ceilings, the floors, rugs, built shelves for their
family portraits and the is i feel for her,i wanna stay right
here, never to leave her side, but I am i bwt 2 places right..i can't decide
can sleep by her side..I did..a couple of nights
but I loved that Basement..such privacy..she said
she was thinking of renting it question..
to who??
I got settled in..was about to rest,
talk a lil bit, then retired for the next days activities..
which I knew what was in store for
all of .seeing my girl..her mother..
Was so happy to be there..her place is like
a mantle piece..with antiques of Black Artifacts
that made me wanna say..HONGOUWA..
WELCOME in african slang..what a beautiful
museum of african masks and pictures, she knows I
like things like this, she's afrocentric
like her aunt she she..Lol..loved it..the kinda way
I wanna fields of dreams w/ an
artform beautiful, flowing through..
meadows of woman who represents their customs
revealing just how it is to this day..primitive,
like a leopard owns his property..not open
for sale of me..freedom..U dig...
that's my Thang..Freedom..
no world is large enough,but
just the right style
and history called..