SHE HAS A NAME: Yashanee Vaughn, 14-Year-Old Shot And Killed By Her 16-Year-Old Boyfriend (PHOTOS) Global Grind:
"The remains of a 14-year-old girl missing for
four months have been found in the wilderness near her home in Portland, Oregon.
Yashanee Vaughn was last seen at a Taco Bell
in March. Just days later police arrested her 16-year-old boyfriend
after he allegedly
told his father he had shot Yashanee by mistake.
Parrish Bennette also claimed he had hidden her body in the wooded Rocky Butte
area, saying 'they'll never find her there'. Her
disappearance devastated the community and her mother, Shaquita Louis, led a high
-profile campaign to find her. After a three-month
search investigators announced they had discovered the remains of a woman on Friday,
after Bennette told them where he'd hidden
her - only a mile from his home. They were positively identified as Yashanee today, exactly
four months after she went missing. She died
from a single gunshot to the head. Yashanee vanished on March 19, after having dinner
with Bennette. She was supposed to meet her
cousin, but never arrived. Police arrested her boyfriend two weeks later, after he allegedly
confessed to his father that his gun had gone off
by mistake. The day before Yashanee died he had taken a photograph of himself with his
cell phone holding a gun."
Do u know me..
a Poem..
I come , a prize worth LIVING..
a baby n ur hands AS WELL AS HIS...
i become ur mornings..
leaving at 8:00AM..
strength was the
Contender..a beauty
behind what made me ABUSE..
a culture of sorts..
Black from the bottom
of our youth..
the Parents..n worth..
levels to educate kindness n full bloom..
ur guidance..what Emancipates..
a future n learning the Basics concepts
of Being born..
FROM nature's Own deliverance..
A SECRET is being kept about a Bright and
shining gift...a Queen..
princess n powers that
wear my fist that don't attack..
but n respect of..
what culivates as Power..
where brutality led me 2 throughts of..
A N G E R...
victims reared..a path of
vengence...what likeness carried
me it's force to be dealt w/ a tool..what complies w/..
being the target ..
a jewel..Do u know who I am..
what gave u R I G H TS to rule..
what lil sense..vacades knowing..where I am..
say...I am ur girlfriend..
who vanished with no trace..
where air is to .saving living..is found
a mother, father's child..MISSING..
Do u know Where I am..
expect me..Property of the living..
what now REsT n Peace without
permission..Love grabs a victim..aims..
Fires, without no resistance..
Violates my youthful nature n hatred..
what faced a color of brutal
what looks at himself..
the boldness raged..offense..
she never knew what would
take place...
where my Children don't'
aim at knowing themselves..
Action is calling all
cars..the case is murder..
in the first degrees of
teenage anger of
A black YOUNG..Brotha..
How do You plee..
birth times..motherhood..
and Gratulations..a memory
sees no future..
now a doorbells rings ..Do u know..YAShanee Vaughn..
only to hear the bad news..
goodbye..has become..I love u Mom..dad
the saddest Word...
what L O V E speaks n the morning..
Death completes A HOUSE..
that's NO LONGER A HAPPY home..
where the rooms were fulled..
the pictures were kept looking on..
and a family has been silenced..
where is ur Children..Do YOU KNOW..???
Do they know themselves..
where they live, breathe and most of all
L O V E.. becoming falling..SOLJAHS..
n Battle of learning..
about ..A gun..no lesson. my case is
closed..ur convicted..
i HAVE been..dismissed..{{*_;;}}..
Y A S S H A N E E..
O N LY...16 Years OLD..
C r e a t e...
S h e i l a T J o r d a n..