why are u checking me..like some journalist..now let me tellya something..
life knew no likes of class..this high heaven..blessed as his gift..in your neck
of OMG..OH..MY..GOODNESS..where..southern u know where...you took one look..
followed me through my dig-men-ta-tion..where i had no explanations..WHAT SO EVER..
my common sense 2b reported as degrees..owning this man iknow..yourscrutiny..u..
back and forth..all up in my business..ethics..face approval..breathing flesh..wearing..what speculated..transmits..as your frequency..what creeps news..where my conscience left you no allowance or tax payer's dollahs..I'm just
a one word phase..woman with a dream..i run..i think..i comment..i draw blood..
just like you do..knows me..i think not..i'm the image poetry recrium..da masses
u can't be about..loves tolstoy..Baldwin..Hughes Nikki..BEBE..Sonia..Walt Whitman..
where i dig the soul of lines talking chapters in their books..what grows beyond memory..drifts in silence..although..he feels my thread..what fibers wear the discomfort of comfort mending..after brush fires makes it's performance..breaks through..derogatory scripture..entitles the love to tamper with my jugular vain..
in pain of distance..having fun..where closeness aims near2 da heart..what involved in stolen moments..fumes.. hostility..a major defect u occured..so now the chase is on..what wants..what feels..don't give a damn..beauty might drove him 2 wild out in da open making it's way all along..but..i had this in the palm of my hands from day
(1)..I am his QUEEN..adversary..business ONLY..feelme..TEAZER..It's a secret..lol
u played..on the web..got called just sex..u think..betta ask..--->CREATE..where beauty is in the eye of what..DICK->TAKES his..THE BEST COUNTER PARTS..ARE MY FRIENDS...MANNNNNNNNNNNNN..LOL..WOMAN..2Fbbbbbbbbs..