i'm a constant reminder...when one weighs itself ..as a complainer...where i try & repeat my performance..i stumble over the walk i choose to build as the lift
when mistakes takes ..it's course..I'm taught to stand tall..defeat my machine
what challenges my weight..dares me to beat it.. as failure..when i try to
rest assure..i'm the progress..after the sun goes down..you will keep rubbing it
in my face..the race is not over..until..that weight..the chronic syndrome of..
whipping that fools ass..on his journey ..to wear his skin..lose his confidence
and break the bank of days gone by..big papa..leanin me as a slim person..with
no pain..no gain..but resistance..i am 2 determine what is the final finish..the
months..show what win 4 losing..while falling down on that treadmill..busting my ass..doing what is right for my health..whats heavy duty..becomes the..blood..sweat and tears.. a clown looks as..a three ring circus...minus one..i be damn..if u see me another double decker..hamburger..with fries and a shake although..that shit sounds tempting..red wears me as cholesterol and I'm not your hardening of da arteries...the dooms days massacre..steppin on that scale..what reveals..as..what just ate my words and left you..his treadmills..with no results..but..the end of
a good dinner..thanks life..it was real and i took advantage..worked it off..just
2 become my brothers keeper..took his place..lost everything..including his life as far as myself...i own and operate..Balley's weight lost gyms..and a quarter pounder for lunch a day..go figure..not mine..his..success..gets paid interest..
but comes out weighing a ton of millions...dollars..dies..all the way to the bank..go figure..not him..me..i figured..his gain became his ass cents..a full package deal..just by being a heart with no life..but his leftovers..the bills..the rent..the mortgage...what did i lose..think!!!!..what did u come up with?..CREATE..