"What allows your tone to b
the lift of expression..where u beam among collabor..to grace your format..
speak what gets u going.. raise those vocal cores breaks out
with a baritone demeanor.. comes down like.. a heart throb
commotion..soft..build..transmits.. shakes your body rhythms..while..
vibrations gives u all you got.. stand up and bring da mic..connects
your voice..relate as speech.. talk is cheap..when theres no audience..
4 comments..what's on your mind.. get it out..let it flow..I'm the announcement
read...go 4 whatcha know... while letting it out..getting it off you back.
I have ..I do..I am..the addiction.. .where lines are no time 2 neglect...
but..the force 2b the title poetology..what floors D emotions..
to open mics..perform..like transcripts to
comply..what aims at the opportunities
where i drop it like it's hot..the flow of love inspires me..
as well as others
break me off a Peace OF HEAVEN, known as..
.. C R E A T I O N..