Sunday, November 15, 2009
Maya "Painted Pyramid" Reveals 1st Murals of Daily Life


long..kept telling me she wasn't hungry, when I place food in front of her...she commence to eating like she was starved..drinking water like she was dehydrated..AGAIN i noticed ..she had nothing to say..my mother had an incident when she was 15..where her hearing was damaged ..as a result from a dentist..and back in those days..there wasn't any anesthesia..he operated trying to pull her teeth..when he broke her jaw bone..where she was injured..hearin loss all her life ..wasn't able to hear loud sounds..so as a result of her history..the ear started hearing less in the weeks that had progress..on October 30..friday ..my grandson turned 11
she was just sitting on the edge of the bed..rocking..I took care of patients with DYMENSIA..ALZHIEMERS,before..so right away I saw signs..closed the door to my moms room..ask ..mother are u ok..she angerly snapped at me..replied..why do u keep asking me .. i'm fine..go out and have some fun with the kids..celebrate ..don't worry about me..then I saw that she needed my help with changin..her bed was wet..her clothes were soiled from sitting in the same spot..wouldn't move..I grabbed her in my arms and said..mom..i gotta help u change your clothes..the bed needs to be changed as well..where she calm down..said..ok..when i helped her up to get to the bathroom..I notice her leg again..it got bigger..she was draggin herself across to walk..after she got cleaned..fixed the bed..I fed her..where she ate everything..the same reaction, I always give her water with her meals..but this time..she ate..drank water, a cup of tea.. a cup of fruit cocktail..again..like she was starvin..so when my daughter came bac and..said hi grandmother..she smiled..gave my daughter a kiss..said ..i stuffed like a pig..i'm gonna go and lay down now..ok..my daughter said ..ok grandmother, when I saw she wasn't wearing any shields on her ..with panties underneath..I said,mother,u didn't put what I gave u on before u ate..so she looked..and I saw her naked under her robe..where she just forgot to get dresses..i sighed for a moment...my eyes kept watering..my arms could not stop holding her..wouldn't let her see..me crying..I wiped the tears..helped her get all her things on ..properly..placed her in the bed..sat there..when I noticed ..the rest of her pads were out..so my daughter and I went to walgreens..got some pads..and a couples of items for the house..drove back..she was sleepin like an angel..we walked in..gave her a kiss..where she woke up..looked at us and started cryin herself..said..I love u so much..thanks for everything u do for me..tiki said..grandmother u ok now..she replied..I'm seem 2 be losing track of my thoughts..I..I don't know..and thats when the reality hit us both..she was showing signs of Dymensia.. this pass MONDAY..October.9..my mom eyes were so clear and alert..but..the truth was she is failing fast..I stayed upstairs with her until..my brother left for work..watch a lil tv...waited for her to say something..when she did..It was..I'm tired..I ask.. u wanna lay down now ma..she said..YEAH..nothing else to do..when we were just watching..dancing wit the stars..just like that, she went to sleep..I just walked her..in silence..cried again for about an 20mins..
sitting near her bed..thinking..what's gonna happen if she leaves us all..
well..Today is SUNDAY..
beat ..tired from running..
>WEDNESDAY..Oct 11..
We had to hospitalize her.. my aunt who WE just lost in MARCH..
my mother's sister..the remaining of two ..my mom and my aunt Eunice..which is in a home,
for the elderly..were 5 girls..
Eunice is the baby girl..
MY Mother is the Oldest one..now..
The prognoses reveals..
a fractured bone and a blood clot in her leg
from that swellin ..
I stayed all day until family showed up around 6 oclock that evening..making a scene..where I just needed some sleep..away in the waiting area..
where I bent down..
gave my mom a kiss..
said the family is here..
so I gotta let everyone take
turns visiting..gonna go home now and get some rest..
she took one look at me..said..u do that sheila don't worry about me anymore..
than I paused..started heading out the door..
turned back 2 say..seeya tomorrow mom..
at which..she just fell off to sleep...
she has Dementia..shes recovering..
~~~~ the family MEETS W/THE DOCTOR'S TOMORROW AT 11AM..for counciltation on the days ahead,..what 2 expect..in her final hrs..pleaseeeeeeee PRAYER FOR OUR FAMILY..
thanks for being there..May God Bless u..
Create..Sheila T.Jordan