Thursday, July 2, 2009
The night was spectacular..the weather was just right and the time..well; i got there too late..but i did make it for the entertainment.. i got to see my cousin recieve the awards...the people were all affliates of the Eugene Lawson Learning Institute..a very upper class..banquet..the food was come see come sah..over the head type.coutore..lilbits of odours..sparkling was my favorite
and the clinking sounds of glasses. and laughter all wrapped up in2
one very nice was my time to go on..when i looked name was being called..only to act was cut ..due to the time that the cotton club was running..we were suppose to leave at 11:30..when i get a whisper in my
ear..i had to hurry..the affair was suddenly ending at 9:00..the time i arrived
to end..i felt so bad..considering i was stuck underground on the subway..where
my daughters were waiting for me outside in my daughters kia..she had been waiting
for me an hour..while my other daughter was to meet us at the club after work..where she even got there before me..i was so hurt..ashamed i wanted to hide my an ostrich in sand..but my couz was alright..i made it Michael Jackson's torch song..the pleasure II..and my tribute to JUNNIE..AKA..EUGENE..
after the ceremony..all his guest was awarded as well for supporting the students
and facility of his INSTITUTE..I wanted more pictures to be taken..but to be blunt about the older daughter ...shatika was just plain mad and frustrated due to the time,,the money..wasn't satisfied with the whole night,,she had to travel from N.J..GAS time to enjoy the night..goes in2 the drama with me about some pics on facebook she didn't want me to put on..everything just got outta hand.. she very delirious about her family being on the Internet..due to the pedophiles and all..the bottom line..i felt bad all week..didn't rest..went to work much for a happy ending for me..i recieved something in the mail from my will see..what i am talking about on the front page of my blog..God Bless you all..
thanks for listening..peace..Sheila..Create
When my soul longs 2 leave the eastern time zone behind..i dream to settle on
a continent..where the sun has no cause to wither and die..where
the trees..i see are from tropical beaches..standing at the crossroads of sweet
nectaur and colors of the sea..where rainbows shine down on my body never
leaves a call 2 dream..talking languages from all over the world...where lips
come together in speech..the jungle cries from natures laws keeping smiles 2
return my country..the sandcastles of related form..where I'm as
the scent..wears what blossoms among morning dew..where i'm lured to make a sign
of the cross..look up to the heavens..with it's glorifed sculptures..whats shapes the map..forms the direction..where bongos play..this is my kingdom over waters clinging so close from i row and row that boat a shore..until the dawn breaks from letting you go..always thinking..but never was meant..without any apology spoken..written in script..not Ethopian..while i've emerged ..the child..u had
no time to get to American background was painting a picture of years i have delivered to you..a dream in colors and found i am your african breed..the woman of the congo..with sculpture..lean..of beauty what escapes..where life took the time away from..minutes introduce to distance shore past..where my drums wait..what left a figment of what was generically enriched, a culture..the call of the wild reborn..finds her prototype..whats been identified as, her native misbegotten seed, what was left now found,king;her missing prodigy,a child left with, who am i 2 u..against their own will..deprived..but not neglected..finds his way home..a man roots becomes whats carried him biologically.. positively..da Diamond in the rough times..uncertain2 him and settles on a piece of land..returns 2 his majesty..the Queen Rowanda..a city named after your
royal spirited replica..your DAIUGHTER..a guiding force lost..has ripened...the fruits of a continent restores it's plant owner..what fertile, grows with arms reaching out..extends it's hands..closes..with a kiss..where 2 soul no longer Parted...Create..Sheila T.Jordan
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