opportunity to see
The Jimi Hendrix Experience when
I was only 15 years old
at The Monkees Concert
in1967..at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium
w/ my ace girlfriend at the time..Barbara..
an old neighbor of mine
we grew up together..now..Facebook got
Paraphernalia on the Monkees..
where I write about this..
I got..2143 responses..from fans ..still
but when they heard about me actually seeing..
Jimi hendrix..
They all started asking me Questions
I felt like a celebrity myself..this legend
was very well loved..despite
how they reacted to his performance..
booed him off the stage
he was breaking up guitars on the large amps
back in those days...they thought
he was a animal..Crazyyy..but the stage
lit up with smoke and sparks..like fireworks
the most exciting thang I have ever
experienced in my Life..wild..but
Wonderful...Love it..
Just to know..a Black man was a Rock
sensation..that caught the World by storm
WE miss you...J I M I..
R.I.P...thanks for listening..
Create..Sheila T Jordan..
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace ..
Jimi Hendrix"