I become
burning desire 2
feel myself in
side & out
ur body..you
come with
all the mighty strength..
what forms
my need to wake..
ur breathless
end...the urge
dipped in bathwater
relieve the
soul intense..lavish our
black skin..
with a twist of lather...
swim in between our limbs
where we
rub one another's
vitality..stripped upon reality
where I moan & feel
the energy
which gravitates..sliding
down.. endure ur touch..
the tenderness,
holding me..
lovely under lather
sharing the nectaur of pure
sexual pleasure
learning to
explore ..but knows no limits
2 climax in progress..
where u pull
the plug reveal whats left
a Natural habit..hard
2break free..being wet
stay stuck on
Impulse complete what
stepout on LOVE..
where the towel drops..
I wait..a lil longer..
live in ur
bathwater & drown
in my glory
I drift heavily..lick ur tower
UNTIL ..all comes
tumbling down on me
The finale..
making LOVE with...??
Damn!!!!!!!..I'm through..
Sheila T Jordan..