Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Heaven Signs a treaty. God calls the needy

O' lord..when all is said and done.. I gave all I could... my family's love,worshiped n ur name.. you have rendered the need n me to stay a man .of spiritual enlightment..where the hard times alled me. .the pain of suffering failed me..where no powers on Earth can redeem seed.. my existence has held countless missions obligations..I Thank you for my life w/ love.. support of my People... where mercy keeps me..through love. patience, understanding..realized, it is ur will I return n heaven..flocks of Doves greets me everything is beautiful, painless..harmless peaceful..I become a angel n flight..the gifts now stands before, friends.. please celebration my goodbyes.... don't cry I am what dwells n his house .. now w/ Jesus.. his arms opened wide..welcomes me home, where Clouds becomes stairsteps...I'm escorted through the pearly gates..a bean of light shines down on me announces my arrival.. a Child lives more chronic illness.. daily i'm the spirit everlasting gloried n love, Peace & happiness...I thank you all for loving me..through all and everything medicines provided.. no cure like God. he KNOWs what is right for me, the affliction..called for a remedy,I am lifted.. say my I am Blessed n the Kingdom...calm...relaxed...happy...the kingdom, the power & the glory..n all good..farewell..
your loving Dad..
By ..Create..Sheila T Jordan..
here's to you from me..
my sympathy is w/ you your family...
God bless you..