Friday, October 23, 2009


"Composition. what's 2mention...
I get thrills by amateurs...Bafflin off...u go through emotion..
where the challenges takes u high..
in levels...grow in paragraphs...
pays my opponent no mind... observes..cheating... ..RELATES 2 a sturdy hand...
with clear vision..skills..I laugh...
picks the & charity brings..
wants fun brought 2 his table...
loves 2 award me..
can' ya say ...b da tablets read.. all things unified...
wins 4 many...becomes a sacrifice in consultation...shares..
no time burning papers...slows down my process 2 eliminate da
secrets I learned...through the book
POETRY in BIBLOLOGY in the name of
GOD ..jireh by CREATE"

Facebook | Sheila T Jordan

"life's immaturities will
take u through the motions.. where the oceans spills the beans..
where drama hold u responsible.. speaks with fork tongue..
talks a good game wears a good line.. But..what's got ur bac..
when all have
crumbled and fall..outlives the BS... wins ,what gives in ...
clears the air..wasted time talking supplements using
..Divine intervention..makes up<>
when nothing
been decided...forgives..
sad.. through with it..

Facebook | Sheila T Jordan

~~~ where the grapes of wrath..
reaps his vine..wears no spine.. breaks a bond..drift from verse rips it'self..
the forbidden fruit.. the skin wears no taste to offer..just the
aftermath of slaughter.. I am pieceful order..I drift in streams..
like superior or the nile matter how the voice gathers no direction
wears my heart..WEST.. but mines remains EAST..
in need of prayer..wearing a sigh of life... HUMAN"

Facebook | Sheila T Jordan

"Family Unit.. what growth nurished our foundation..
through good times & bad, what brought forth, a village blessed..through hardships
and brutal demands.. eyes so reason2 witness.. da cross
makes life confused, bitter.. but through out life's downfalls..
mom takes the overhaul..bites her words.. viscious tongue..but meant no TREE IS PLANTED...WE b Love. the Foundation...LOVEYA circle of life