"Lannie Ross tells what happen:
I was at hospital waiting right, for like 3 hours.
Then I had a seizure. Crazy Tuesdays!
I'm still kickin though, I know.....gotta be mo' careful.
Thanks for checking in how my two poets doin?
Miss Create, this is my good friend Miss Claire....
I was thinking bout u Claire, was home wit little
lannie playing poetry, Saul came on & I thought about that
cd u gave me years ago, thanks for that, & to think now
I'm sharing that gift with my son. There was some spiritual
significance at that moment! ( just wanted to share that.
Miss Create we got work to do, I will talk soon. No b/s, for I kick ova!
:) the evolution must be uploaded
a Poem..
THE reenactment
I am an epilectic, stood by facing
what appeared numb and silent
had an 1:00 appt..the walls crawled
of many Doctors, what kept me at arms length
Standing, talkin, Today's TV programs
my critically hyper sense
gave way as a choke hold..
suffocation..losing breath..keeled over
out of control..chronic tension
w/ slurred speech, losing
my bodily functions..being unattended..
taking me by storm and
outrage..my battle was just the
beginning..waiting erupting
hoping someone will take me serious
frustrated..holding on for
shear life..become a PATIENT..overlooked.
from time to time..LOOKS; passes me by
w/ no care whatsoever
Is this humane..does one have a vision..
sight of what sees me clear
in color.no threat 2 incounter run,
help this Black brotha..
Seizured..left on the sidelines,
being ignored
underneath ..what speaks.
if ya don't get me some help soon..
can be held accountable 4
what's about 2 happens next, GENERAL..
hospitals..til ya take a look
in a second..where hours followed..
conjured an attack.,paying me
Nodda!!!..no one Protects
do I Qualify..what dat!!!!..CRITICAL
speaks 4 it's self..I am the patient
or am I the one that's
u see don't need HELP..this is crazy..
I should sue..
when all that said was done..
I became no Life support
after showing them whose ills were ignored
ROSS..a cause got results
I got taken care of ..WAITING 3TO 4 HRS
Words..the report is in..News I blogged..
sincerely yours...
CREATE>..Sheila T Jordan..no problem
Like a soulja in desperate need
of combat..the battle of medics are
no symptoms of recovery..
left as the enemy..u wanted 2 end
penalties becomes the cure..
Life supporters..now u got a case..means
The motion of sound & reflect
of Character..plays one hand..washes the Other..
just looking out for a Brotha..I love dearly..hold u
as a gentle sea breeze..calming ya down..
comfortably..H O M I E!!!