the sound is
so complex and marvelous
what gives the
Queen of Nefetetti's her thrown
among the Egyptian sands..what
leaves a trial of souljahs to
carry humbleness from level
s of heights she enhance..
her feet are lifted
never to touch
heat & emotion.
.what erupts
beats upon her body
underneath lace..
falling..where man
so attracts..callin..she
commence the scent of need..
where desire compels to read
the heiroglyfics where walls
become the pages n
love..the symbol
chestised the
comfort to control..she
is beyond the beauty of skin
deep..begins to thirst her man's
feel for her souljah of arms..
the Oasis becomes..midnight skies and
the Moon's light..what scarely drifts
wears his heart..power resist..the final
acts of passion..saying Goodbye..
beneath what never was..
my shoulder to rest..
a chariot of closure
waiting n the Love..
n secret..buries themselves alive..
where sands saw us sinking..
a myth of nature , what rises to the top..
victorious..God her SUN..riding the wind..
what leads you home..the Sahara..
what begin me I am..
looking for You..King ..
the Sands
of time
C R E A T E...