Saturday, April 18, 2009

i would like to introduce you to CRYSTAL LAKE CATHEDRAL MINSTER..ROBERT SCHULLER i use to watch this show every Sunday morning..while getting ready for church..i don't know him personally..but when i hear him minister to his congregation..i join in with him,,the place is located in Garden Grove..California..MY older brother spoke highly of it's beautiful surroundings and the structure of their newly restructured Cathedral...i found this poem very confidant and reassuring..if you read it..every will complete whatever projects is require in your life..the man can write..i have send away for tablets..he speaks with the heavens cultivating..what directions u will be heading and why it's chosen as gifts you will encounter on your way to God's righteous orders to live by...MINISTER SCHULLER i hope to one day visit your church..and meet your god gifted u can see my work as well..thank you for being God's message to the world..hope i have brought u some knowledge to live by...peace..CREATE


MY MY MY...look what happen with our prez..he's touching hands that resemble his..England's Queen Elizabeth ..the crown of the UK..was the scandal of where in the history of buckingham palace..was anyone suppose to do we walk on royal soil..bow to the Queen..when Barack Obama makes his way to be treated like the king..the arrival stirred publication..said omg..what have they done..a black man ..with moralities..makes his way through..showing hospitality..what eniciates respect..kindness and a gentleman..but..oh..what did he do..why was Michelle mentioned..the talk of England..the Queen was amazed.. Obamas overjoyed..what would u had done...thats the question..the state lords of Parliment..gave no something so forgiven it's the media and it's apologizes..speaking for royality..i saw no injustice or crimes commited...just 2 Brothas crossing the throne of dignity and respect for the Queen.. Michelle was accused of doing the wrong thing..let's just was a misunderstanding in good taste..the world and it's redicule..can raise issues all they want.. if the Queen and her dignitaries left it alone..then why does media matter..u misconscrew everything on the Queen this any different from what u do?...She rules her kingdom..she became a woman in authority..the amenities captures the life of her people..where blood stains her triumph..aims..making a change herself..did u ever wonder if she admired the President for showing what's never been done.. will go downin our history..CHANGE is what OBAMA adquired GOOD TASTE>>>GO>>SUPERIOR>>>OUR U.S.KING there ya are..Q Elizabeth got SOUL..the rest is we know..what bothered the elite society of GREAT BRITAN..(how we look)..getting a way with it..PEACE.. CREATE..GOD BLESS