I have come to the conclusion..there is no substance of matters left
undone..ur always leaving us with thoughts on mishaps..stumbling
blocks..symptoms of illregular discomfort..what cuts like a knife..
what punctures the heart ..like a slice of wisdom.. getting it out and shouting
to the roof top..why does the memories show itself, what continues to
never let go..reminds me..the needles..with it's long stem to prick off the
slightest bit of vision..which forms itself before me..aches like hell..the
slippery when wet snake..conjours up space to settle on a piece of flesh..
where eyes remain the same vision allowed...repeats over and over..now..
the picture on a website..reveals guilt..where love grows within a family
unit..creeps where it's not wanted..thought it was all over..thought I was
free from manipulation..rears it's ugly ass from the pass..you must be
sending a message..what can't let go ..messin with my head..who lives a
spinal cord effect..in close relationships that loves me to death..his family..
picturing the fire at will.. but wears no ammunition to end it all..become
final...without an ounce of care..or forgiveness..this is when u come in God
the flashbacks..the outragious fortune..the touch of what never have
permission in the first place..still lives..walks the earth..smiling in family
portraits like he's got his own way wearin my life..in another room..away
from me..looking in the wrong territory..but was in close range of the situation..
while present company was the verge of being locked up themselves..murder..
the towering force what lives inside ..what ain't over...wants to take a life..
forgive me..Lord..but..if I 'm to forgive from transgressions and turn the cheek
of the slayer..then God..who will ever come to my defense ..as the trials are still
pending ..alife who hovers over mine..staring in the eyes of on lookers..knows
the truth..a family we call..blood relative...that belongs to him..a love so tight..
we wear the clothes off one another's backs..called me mom II..the desire 2
live as one circle I created..as hearts grew older..the friendships on fb is exposed..
what I must put aside..is killing my spinal cord..the chills ..it's wars I wear..as
the mutant..Ninja Turtle''wanna kick ass...it's like before..when the Cops had to
get a hold of me..from stomping that common piece of horse manuer piece of shit..wearing..what Don't give anyrights whatsoever..I suffer while living..thoughts.
fuckingmy seed..like my skin with family pressed against disrespect..took over
my life...playing house..keeping secrets...I'm sick..had to get it out..frustrated once
again,God..I ask the Question...why..Why?..I want 2 b loved ..can't.. silence.."pause"
... :{.. CRYING inside..Celibate..thinking about the abuse..an emotional reaction..
I lay down no more..nomore with joy inside myself..still gotta hold on being unjustifide...after all these years sets me free...instead i lay my head down..being ask to relax..I'll take care of your heart..like so may times in the pass..God..PLEASEEEEE..suddenly wants the touch u can trust..HOW..when it happened to me..Create..///*_*\\\God Bless..
Sheila T Jordan