U come with linen and close touch..wrapped with love..eyes greets your smile..
a demeanor 2 be proud of..where happiness is well deserved..honored..while
pictures represent the memories..looks down..captures your beauty..poise..
loveliness welcome..soft velvet skin..whats so delicate..sweet..a voice that speaks..gurgles so precious..bubbly enough to swim river JORDAN holy..
blessed the adolescence of lifeform..sobriety..with limbs..with movement 2 da
tune of Paul Robeson in acapella beat..SHOWBOAT..Operas overture..the makings
of a star.. ancestrial magnitude..b announced..the arrival of KINGS and QUEENS..
our black culture with morals..the gene u bring forth 2 raise..a written document..birth right..a child of African decent..flava brought among our people..stature by way of LIFE..where i am the makings of you..what prepares me
for days 2 come..biblical..a continent exposed..whats becomes an introduction..
2 identify Nubian bloodline..a seed ..Earths beginning..what endures strength tranquility left in the dark..unifies color line..where embryos of black boys
and girls are welcomed..never knowing what's to b expected where roots becomes
the levels..finds addiction..hatred..spirited love child blessed knowledge..the
roadto discipline learns..breeds SLAVERY..time measures 2 persevere..the seed
to absorb wisdom carried through my 9Th womb of arrival..met with..weeps for mercy..where i live in times of the Cathedrals..knowledge of scriptures read..instilled the soul2 be saved in heaven..taught the fundamentals..the wrath
of punishments..sins..learned 2 become the escape..life everlasting struggle..
through trial..tribulations fed..but spared by the Lord thy God..my refuge and strength in times of trouble..the reasons you breathe air..comprehends your guide
to salvation..where teaching starts your history..become the book of theories..
where there is no limit being left a secret..fighting back whats traded..marked.. used..a cry for help..living with irreconcilable differences..what sees the
struggle be 4 it erupts..words speaking anger..betrayal..selfishness..abuse to
your pass rituals..where i become life..the guidance..Christianity..royalty enriched..the jewels of the Nile..the soil..it's beauty..what flow inside growth..builds strong hold a risk 2 attempted..what disrespect my people.. testimonies..where i flourish under God in heaven..awaits cultures..delievers my soul 2 rest in your hands..give me eyes 2 read..educate stories..based on facts..
not fiction..counsel..defy my legacy..the final hours of need..reasons..I'm the desperation to stay who i have become..bow down on my knees and pray at the alter..repeat the words..i am the truth..the light everlasting..where the slave trade brought back symbols of embellishment..2 compromise my immunity..remains my struggle..living the beginning..2 what was my end..questioned..an embryo..where
my cycle repeats itself..needs change..but targets what looks the same..a deseased habit forming conflicts..reality at the forefront of learning 2 cause what effects..the circle..360 degrees..what separations.. 2 divide..what loves..where
i become no remains left..critical..a deadly weapon drown..our flesh and blood proclaimed..no more stories on EARTH..where we are the unfaithful..your strategy...from the begnning of time..the future is now what begins the end..
without the truth being read..the true disciples of Christ JESUS..BLACK..OUR KINGDOM..we change..has come..the OBAMA..THE vitamin inriched our Capital..thank
u..i am blessed in your honor..the pardon is a lil late..but..thats alright..i
know where i'm going..what comes around..full circle..ends victorious..the seed unspoken..is now a child born living right..NUBIAN..like GOD..wears acolor..
suffered died..buried..in disbelief of the king..THINK..who does this remind u of..what did u learn embryo..whose your brothas keeper..PEACE..CREATE..
Sheila T Jordan..