Staten Island ..what cha gotta say..this was an
enchanter the flamboyant lover..the straight up brotha that captivate my corner..there he was..a smile behind sheets and bees of shallon..the sword
without the face covered..but please don't get me wrong..underneath was a copy
of my distance lover..a soldier..with madcap evil eyes with no smile..a bad
observor.with the swiftness..2 protect my assess..what a great entertainer he is..with feather leather jackets and threads with the name TONY STARKS..Not 2b mistaken as..Ironman(Robert Downey Junior) although he gotta hold of my heart
and shaped it in2 wu-heaven..not because of his style of fashion..not because he
was one of the Wu-Tang gang..but because he favors the love of my lifetime..My friend and ex husband while in a facility at LIVINGSTON CORRECTIONAL ..UPSTATE NY..for 11 years..I was the woman in waiting..the care package deal..the whole shabang..sistah Ellis..wondering how I did this ..well to say the least ..I was
his lady for that long..I witness all elements of time..living in facilities..
working for their com, the neccessities of making it become forever..getting those cigarettes..eating..buying toiletries for his body parts..so one day I go visit sweetheart..smiling..grinning like a chesaire cat..when I arrived,there was a fight going on..the inmates was going after a guy with contrabend on a visit..suddenly
the gates was closed..the visIt was cancelled..due to one person..who squealed..
but nobody knew who he was..until the gates were open,we commence to proceed outta the prison to leave,when all of a sudden...I heard somebody yell..Wu-tang,open up..the visit was back on..just when the i walked out to go board the bus..I heard another yell,Wu-TANG..I turned around and what did my eyes see,,but none other than,Tony Starks himself on a visit for u guest it.. RUSSELL JOHNSON..bka..Ol' dirty bastard himself..he was in Jail with my man..go figure..I quickly turn around and ran back to meet him and when I looked at his face,I couldn't believe the resemblence to my Boo..DAMN ..That was astounding..they look just like twins..just goes to show ya,,there a face..a ghostface,Iremember when my man use to call from the facility..putting Tony on the phone..saying..say hi..baby..I GOT HOOKED ON his silliness..the memories are well lived..R.I.P..OL'DIRTY..WE MISSYA BROOKLYN..PEACE..LOVE YA my ex seed..it was fun..and I missya..C..Create..Sheila