Does Your Clothing Style Define Your Decorating Style?
This is ME..
I used to have an Apartment
when i first started out with
just my Two children,
Russell & Shatika...
the colors I chose
were n my Bathroom..
I wallpaper it..it's incredible,
looks just like it...
loved my decor n the 70s..
I was a Mod squad..
Liberator..lol..afros and boots..
miniskirts and flowers
was the thang n my hair..
love potting plants..
flowers n every room...
even the bathroom..
WHat I like Is What I am 2 YOU...
back to me..THE FIST..
ANGELA DAVIS...Professor..
I wish..that part n my Life
came true..But i"ll except..
what God made out of H I M..
A Creation well preserved...
ALL NAtural..
Just like my Home...
C R E A T E...
Looking Good..I thank you
J E S U S..