"If ur a statistic...
it becomes an issue..
hypo allergetic ..mouth disease,
if u never hung with or inside
what's slimey..u been out of touch..it's a
definite no no..what's left..meeting one's
affection head on..bumping..
the chemistry is sex...
w/out ..lips..2kiss...wanna wear
his element..b his ocean without
all the skeptism.. b like MONK..
germ free..where would that leave us..
2 moles...the enemy..
a life learning science,..
needs the touch..the feel of
b any L O V E at all..compression..
holds the key.. sends a message..
u felt me. .u feel me ...Weird SCIENCE ..
i'm through..Peace"
not 2b calling names.or criticize this topic..
if ur not in2 kissing tongues
touching..licking one another...
ur spirit reads another signal..non in void
wasn't what u wanted...