Michael Jackson's Father Admits To Beating His Kids On Oprah [VIDEO] Hello Beautiful:
Question was asked:did u Beat ur children,I Quote..
this was the question ..of which He became subdued..tensed in his answer,
of which his WIFE answered..and I quote...u might as well tell the truth, I quote..
/COMMENTS:from Hello Beautiful...
"Get the following books today for at least 2 brothers in your life and encourage
him to be a Man in every good sense of the word:1….
Noble Drew Ali & the Moorish Science Temple of America by Supreme Wisdom
2. Marcus Garvey: His Word, Works & Wisdom by Supreme Wisdom
3. Food for Thought by Marcus Jalil
4. Visions for Black men by Naim Akbar
5. An Economic Blueprint for Black America by Supreme Wisdom
6. Remembering Michael: A Picture Book for the World by Shawn Hill
All of these powerful texts are available at Amazon.comPeace Dear Family
Peace to the Jackson family
Peace to all Black families"
My respone was...use tablets as researching ur thoughts are child parenthood..
I agreed 100%.....follow this gentle advice...read, focus..become the wisdom to know
the difference..GOD BLESS ..Create