Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Words to the Parents..whether Here Or there..Alive Or dead..N spirit and n Love..hold ur anger

"Chian 'keiyon' Hakim Exodus 20:12
'Gods says honor your
mother and father that you may live long........
respect them regardless of......
Like · 5 people"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"Do ur homework Brothas and sistas..Learn ur preference n a WOMAN BESIDES..
SLAVE MANTALITY..THE CHOICE of studying Past the Whip..
Unbelievable..God's Gift..being sold down, what's warm, given a blanket of Love..
secured..beautiful..what she feels is H I M...what are we sayin..thinking..
doing..Missin the whole point..when God Made W O M A N..I won't be subjected..whipped..
ordered..demanded.. bread fed..eating out of brutality..
How race plays a new role in S&M culture... theGRIO REPORT -
When imagining someone hurling racial epithets at you or
treating you like their slave, you may be more likely
to picture a Klansman than a partner or lover..."

HIghest of the rank for march 28TH..WONDERFULLL!!!


WONDERFULLLLL....&:-)...C R E A T E..Sheila.."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Countenance | Define Countenance at

Countenance Define;'
/ˈkaʊntnəns/ Show Spelled [koun-tn-uhns] Show IPA noun,
verb, -nanced, -nanc·ing. –noun
1. appearance, especially
the look or expression of the face: a sad countenance.
2. the face; visage.
3. calm facial expression; composure.
4. approval or favor; encouragement; moral support
. 5. Obsolete . bearing; behavior"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Creative Quarantine 2011

this is a good source of
expressing ur goals as a artist..
if u a have goal..
set it n ur mind, REACH
for it
Say to urself
this dream will be mine..
where there are stepping stones
to hard times and blockades
away from visual effects
the main objective
to breaking it's format
Be Confidant, self sufficient
and gave u
hands to apply knowledge &
wisdom..the powers of
CREATION,,therefore I say
it's within ur destiny
to Open opportunities and
wear those antributes
couragiously..where thereis
leadership and faith n side of
standing tall on the surface
grab a hole of ur Canvas
and start making waves to
success and VICTORY
Shall b yours
A L W A Y S..
monopolize the dream
carry it with honor and respect
where the love finds it's fortune is so..Productive and
reassuring,,there is no turning

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Facebook's Question by :LAMONT CAREY

my response...
"Raindrops on root.. from whence the moment begins.. I am announced
it's breakthrough of sound.. the force so melancholy.. introduced.. I remain love wearin fibers clings..'s porthole..where I am developed as ur
rising sun from heat..mine get cuddles me, it's earth, cradles a blanket wrapped beyond breathe,
where I smell of natures essence, comfort ur world..commit
my heart to feed air, draw you close, bathe. me from
being raised, the Outcome of ur remains..identical..where I am
worth living n ur
honor, the privilege of having
you near me..the embryo meet it's lifeform processed..ur Queen..
roots it's production..the loveofyou.. The legend begins..
as Yours..Minds.working..Ours.speaks..
the life & times of..POETRY<>feeds

Monday, March 21, 2011

Congratulations Son!!
"Thank you for selecting me as the Port Authority’s recipient of the YMCA 2011 Black Achiever in Industry Award. Last week’s ceremony reminds us of the importance and impact of giving. Having received scholarship monies from Coca-Cola and the United Negro College Fund (which enabled me to attend my first year of undergrad studies at Clark Atlanta University, an Historically Black College/University) and having coordinated a clothing drive for a friend displaced by Hurricane Katrina, I cannot overestimate the power of giving, as a recipient and as a giver, has made in my life. I hope those in attendance found inspiration to give back and make a difference in the lives of others." R-

Sunday, March 20, 2011


"What allows your tone to b
the lift of expression..where u beam among grace your format..
speak what gets u going.. raise those vocal cores breaks out
with a baritone demeanor.. comes down like.. a heart throb shakes your body rhythms..while..
vibrations gives u all you got.. stand up and bring da mic..connects
your voice..relate as speech.. talk is cheap..when theres no audience..
4 comments..what's on your mind.. get it out..let it flow..I'm the announcement
read...go 4 whatcha know... while letting it out..getting it off you back.
I have ..I do..I am..the addiction.. .where lines are no time 2 neglect...
but..the force 2b the title poetology..what floors D emotions..
to open transcripts to
comply..what aims at the opportunities
where i drop it like it's hot..the flow of love inspires me..
as well as others
break me off a Peace OF HEAVEN, known as..
.. C R E A T I O N..

Friday, March 18, 2011

Daily quote f the day

"DAILY QUOTE FROM OUR HISTORY: 'The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.' - Mary Mcleod Bethune"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Taking The Pulse Of East Village Poetry - The Local East Village Blog -

"Taking The Pulse Of East Village Poetry"

Quote for Today...

"Those that don't got it, can't show it. Those that got it, can't hide it.'
by -Zora Neale Hurston"

BREAKING NEWS: Black Press announces ShaSpeaks selected as first Black blog for Digital Media Project

selected as first Black blog for Digital Media Project
Congratulations..GIRLFRIEND...again for 2011
ur on a role..
God Bless You..

A gift from the Morning read..sends a messenger of good will..

"STRONG PERSON A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say 'I'm ok' with a smile. Send this to a strong person. I just did. God is good. Change is coming. God saw your sadness and said hard times are over. If you believe in Him, send this to ten people including me. Watch what happens in thirty minutes! Be honest and send this to anyone who made you smile this year. It may surprise you how many you get back. Thanks for making me smile. Live, Laugh, Love"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.
Maya Angelou"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

2 years n memory of E LYNN HARRIS

"In memory of Writer E Lynn Harris"
"think I'll grab a few things..keep smiling while on my way to demise. . where numbers emerge unspoken..the hours of life left disappears many strive to make amends with the past i become..a lonely street with structure..meets..poor..sand beneath my shoes..ashy.. unwealthy..while the wages kept on looking embarassed..ashamed of my clothing.. but I built strength, carried through long days in 2nights.. called poverty..what claimed me life full of biogenics.. hidden..but worthy of what I become..a closed victim for years ..silent..the memories and rhythms with skills enough to connect love..written...lines sharp.. I cut..i commence to level final outlines of slumber..what prepares me..without warning..a resting place.. 2 memory of my Books...An obituary..NOW is in honor..THE life ..once's been real...although i think..has it..?..I am the read Personified..Best Seller... I thank you..Peace World...I rest..'Create'...S.T Jordan...8/24/2009.. He was found in a hotel room..pronounced dead not far sometimes..nor promised while your clock..the hands of time lives shortly... I wrote this today for author..E LYNN HARRIS..AFRO AMERICA AUTHOR .. HE WAS FIERCE..LOVED HIS WORK..I use to read his work for years... he will truly be missed...damn 54..thats gone 2 of my favorite wrters..hope u like what i wrote..Ms SHEILA T JORDAN..CHOW...versitile..Create{{{*_*}}}..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Beauty of Black Relationships

"Let it b known... the essence holds amounts which claims his future..
will soon reigns Suspreme, hers got love lost..
the portions drifts..where Queens are no limits wearing..her equivalent,
charm or stature..what remains..
A woman available..u let go of..
what sees a willing to adapt. .what's already used..abused..Life brings her back..
A l i v e & well secured...happy..what was missing all the time..
no love lost..finds her worth well n hand..a Cougar..
substance of feelin vantage fruit..what don't break ur heart,
but Love wth no time to waste.. now needs what's been missing..
younger youth changing their minds ..equals the 2..
saving others..Peace...Create.. Sheila"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Raphael Saadiq - Good Man

I'm a man holding my own..
what carries it's gem
What sees my story as it's epitaph
reasons for giving love and worship
where the God n me spoke..
Let no man come between us..Cherish what
wears my soul..through hard times and
bitter anguish, through selfishness reckoning
wind..where her heart is leaving me
the patriot of Mercy
bows beneath her savage cunning venom
licks from outter traces n touch
sexual liquid, the roar of
thunder looks past my inner cries
what beats it's drums, parasites she offer
no love, but another feeling her
nature.. conducts n private..where his
touch left her his response..
A Good man knows no characters
plays him,as her victim of lies and
deceit..pain describes her heart as heat.
a Woman, needing what can't pretend
looses sleep ..what ends...
a Good man..a future w/
Currency..anything she wants..
but HIM...Desires of the heart..broken from
the beginning..lays her body down
wonders..what the hell am I doing..
continues by what Tempts me more than
a proposal..saying..til death do us part
n sickness and n health..Prays from
what claims she..Rapture..a town
who wears her developments..sweat..
my Identity
I delievered .. joy of losing
Faith n the hopes of returning 2
A Good man whose hard to
find..still n Love...what was mines..
can't live without...pays her off..
where equal amounts is laid 2
rest, until love said enuff is enuff..
he's lost 4 be it..gone..
Create..Sheila T Jordan

Lamont Carey Freestyle "I'm Going Back To Bacon" Ft. Dionne Kirby

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Daily quote for today

'All womanhood is hampered today because the world on which it is
emerging is a world that tries to worship both virgins and mothers
and in the end despises motherhood and despoils virgins.' - W.E.B. DuBois"