Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012
Lannie Ross
*Time heals all wounds....
So they say...Shayla....I enjoy your spirit, like the presence of a new day... You make me smile, cry, laugh and learn...funny how things...life presents us are fate...& still we yearn for some deeper connection....Hmmmm.
I was really stressed out for some time. My health, my family, my own self and sanity.
I won't go into details, but things got ruff...I held on, didn't let the "u need a job" comments...depress me totally. Sometimes it did. But to be fair it was times when I got full support so I can't complain. In actuality So you know, the man I am... Only working part time wasn't gettin it. The full respect of the household. But Shayla...
Today the good Lord finally answered my prayers... I got a job working at a well known hospital. & they have a art program for seniors. I wanted that job so bad it hurt. I really skrewdd up the interview...I get nervous...but the called for my papers, then Agee weeks later they called for me...(big smiles)
City job Shayla, 40 to 50k a year...never made money like that before...it still feels like adream... I won't speak on it to too many people cause I am scared I will wake up.... But I had to share my happiness with you...
Please don't share this info on facebook...only a few people know...it's so nice talking with you shayla...your spirit travels miles upon miles..
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Whitney Houston Has A Premonition About Her Death! (DETAILS) | Global Grind
Friends close to the fallen R&B superstar have revealed that
Whitney Houston had a premonition her end was near,
telling them that she, "really wanted to see Jesus."
Sources say that in Whitney's final days she became
extremely spiritual, having long discussions about
Jesus Christ and the after life with her close friends.
DETAILS: Whitney Houston Died From Prescription Drugs
TMZ reports that after she performed, "Yes Jesus Loves Me"
at Tru nightclub in Hollywood, Whitney told one of her friends,
"I'm gonna go see Jesus ... I want to see Jesus."
Friends also revealed that hours before her death,
Whitney was discussing a bible passage involving
John the Baptist and Jesus ... when Houston flashed a
big smile and remarked, "You know, he's so cool ...
I really want to see that Jesus." Another source tells us ...
Whitney had been telling friends she "
felt like her time was coming."
Unfortunately, Whitney's premonition came true.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

we meet again..
with much delight and
purpose, I smile and
bring you happiness..
Joy of knowing
love has it's moments, engaged
or living single, divorced..alone..
life has been sweet,
kisses & hugs Galore..
sharing what's good ,believe
... w/ all ur heart eternal..candy
coated lips, chapstick to bond
taste 2flava ourselves..
where I explore a reading ,your
words wear mines.
.what's deep
inside my soul..developes
chemistry fr/the day we first met..
eyes connect,
melts like a hershey w/
almonds wrapped up, Chocolate..
what is You, the fruits of life,
the ocean breeze that flows within
our bodies, the touch of
LOVEbegins...holding me ,
tenderly..whispering..I LOVE YOU
darling..I sigh..
times felt you, butterflies n my belly,
a warm blanket full of heat..
desires my heart , My soul, my safe
haven..where A valentine Wrote...
Friendships n A bottle.. we drift
out to sea...cruising together...
leaving behind memories
where Ours is like heaven..always
never taken for granted.**ROSEBUD**
Blessed By G O D..amen...
Monday, February 13, 2012

you were "Waiting to Exhale"
and trying to figure out "Why Does It Hurt So Bad".
In spite of it all, you really wanted that
"One Moment in Time" where somebody could say
"Count on Me" and really mean it. So...
in your process of "Getting to Happy",
you turned to God and said "I Look to You"
and He replied "I Will Always Love You".
Now, you are experiencing "
The Greatest Love of All". You can finally close
your eyes and exhale!!! RIP 08-09-1963/02-11-2012......
Author Unknown
The New Hope Baptist Church
God brought her back home on the very day, month and year,
at the very hour, minute and second, He had already planned before her.
No one leaves this earth a minute sooner nor, a second later.
May her family and close friends look to Him for comfort in their time of grief,
and rely on Him for the strength to endure her absence in their lives,
in the immediate days and months ahead of them.
What an incredible voice she was blessed with!
R I P Whitney
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Words to live by
We won’t always know who we inspire with our words
or who gets encouraged when we smile
or who are strengthened by our presence.
But let us keep doing them anyway.
We won’t always know it but sometimes,
we deliver a SLICE OF HEAVEN to someone’s life
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Russell Jordan - Actor | Voiceover
Russell Jordan - Actor | Voiceover
If you are available, I would appreciate it if you
could come out to support me in the
Saturday, February 4, 2012-5pm stage reading of Joe Musso's ABSINTHE.
This play is amazing and is winner of Maieutic Theatre Works-MTWorks'
Excellence in Playwriting Award! The reading is FREE and will be held
uptown at The City College of New York. Thanks!
Friday, February 3, 2012
(1) Sheila Create T Jordan
where the score had me singled outta ..
where the fire n my Soul..
I'm captured by no opponent...Run Brotha Run..
the ball was n my court. heard the ply
numbers..being called one by One..
here's the kickoff n heat..
like a bowl of soup warms men
in 20 degrees below
the heat is on, your mines to burn..
Gotta break ya..
move or make ya..fall, what tackles ...
to reach the GOLD..
what Carries it's weight..
as an all time athlete..a professional PLAYER..
what Pays the Bills and Provides..My future..
holds me down..to TOUCH.
.what Grounds..
i've baptized n life..AN ALL-STAR.
.through and through..
where THE LOVE's n me.
T H E~~~C H A M P I O N S~~'(((d(o_0b)))'~~''
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Sheila Create T Jordan
I'm no teaser to please her,
no matter what the
chitachattering says 24/7..
on the clock that set time..losing
track of our senses,
performs like a dry ale 2
refresh us..the course of letting
it be said and done..
while you stay mines...
working it outta Love we once had..
discovers...who we are..
Wealthy people are...
: #
Sheila Create T Jordan
prophets are the growth of a nature
who carries there feed n
pocket full of daily planning...
bible lectures it's mind to be healthy
n wealthy and Wise...
What served has earned it's keep..
at any cost..but never to hungry.
just greed for the outcome of losing...
what's not being fed at all
5 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Adrian Newday Dukes
His response was....
Tell me more... Always blessed to receive your words of art...
39 minutes ago · Like · 1
on thatNOTE:i thank you so much..
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
RussellMail :: New Year's Edition
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