What's this ...i hear u say...mouths drowns ears that ache...takes no charge of men's tables and midnight meals with smiles and grims...in total bliss...i work as any other example ..u see as my ...ultimate decision 2..performs da hustabulls..where fictions sells us a boob tube teacher's guides 2 ...living right...like...we never has discipline...u got whipped..cause your structure aims you as simple in love... but... angry monarch...who plays da field...steps out ...explores the dips and dabs of intercourse...rectifying lose lips with sores and bruises...left for dead..by your own thinking..but i'm da dirt..like u ...who wollows in fifth..where u left me...unfit for consumption..where no man will want me...just because my germ..became you family...child and grand...you deny our race...an image of you...who wears da same thang.. same day...diffrerent mindset ...leaving me 2 b another golden girl...2 a real warrior pimp...king of his castle...but not da projects you come from...i stepped of of linens and embroidary...a glass slipper...poor...poverty stricken memory... CINDERELLA...but ...a refugee...starving me...our baby...with no medicine 2 keep him healthy...your the disgrace...i should be thinking about getting rid of...i dare you to complain about our living conditions...our clothing...our hygiene..my people's teaching me...pride and prejudice...where your waters swam in..grab a fragment...you look like...what's half of my center piece of ivory tusk...blends your slurred speak patterns...da ghetto tries to hide...devil.....malotta...changing me ...you look like...what's fine at first...but first was the embryo the egg came after...as a result...here's your finished product...mother's womb..gave u..a beautiful race of brown as copper ..shines..2 seed faiths.. brought forth...man's form ...but in da end.. tells you...it wasn't me....your imaging thing...what i touch...stays the gift of Neffertiti...neverlet's herself go..u wore out.. am woman....my g spot...i know so well...your place...your meals...your family ..that disowns your completely...now who got love for u...i have...going around in circle...brings u right home where u belong ...a husband...father... no choice...in da matter.... becomes what does pretend...when paychecks walks...and pride makes u feel like shit...get over it ...u not giving up big talk...no action... you'll get another job... put da blame on dreaming ...blunt copout...now how'd u get that ...going in my pocket books ..like always..huh..get a life ..damn ..u pretend alot loser.......peace
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