i have lived to be among the rank..tonite..i gave my all..everything..this to shall pass..proverbs say..when i took that podium among the 10 speakers..i had no idea what was upon me..but i felt so damn good..that i almost lost my train of thought...why...there was two very important people who was watching us..i had no idea who was in the audience until our night had ended and the lights came on..nobody but the people from writer's guild and actors guild in the house..when they approached us..they ask my name and well..this is it sheila ..i said..can't back down now..i told them who i was and mr williams smiled and said..your words were very ..in his words ~aural~..expressive and very well originated..and to think it was just a month ago i started branching out..not feeling as though..i was an interest for such admiral...the night turned out beautiful..my son was the one who mention it to his producer and well she's a doll..her character and wit..prepares you for stardom..the conversation went well..i love my son very much for my back..where lines suddenly showed ..i was heard by a like of dignitaries tonight..in poetry..writing skills and screen editing..i got to sit in on a discussing of different ways to articulate speech patterns..what moves the audienc ..not only with drama and magnetude..but in making the crowd wanna get involved with your speech..improvising..touch..joy..connection..all the above..i got in at 12:01am.
on the nose..i feel so good..about Russell..THE DIRECTOR in charge wants to put him in more of her work..she told me how much she loves him..i truly am blessed ..thank God for survival and believe..when your time comes calling..u must proceed in motion..poetically..fundamentally..any means necessary..curtain call..open up your mouth and let it happen..just flowwwwwwwwww yourway to stardom..lord..i thank u..always and forever..peace..Create
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