~~~H A P P Y ~ E A S T E R~~~QUOTES~~
My touch..what i gave of myself in times of want..need..felt
as the dove flies in his source to find truth...love and devotion
on it's way to the Lord..not be selfish..not tryin 2 escape life...
The animal instincts comes bringing gifts..shows love...nature..
from the heart sometimes barks..wears da sweetest melodies of
love..da rose..his gift..carries 2 ya..where humans seek to find..
what should b practice..trained by his own master..create
The only reason love has no feelin..is when u..go for
the basket..where eyes got big....attacked..destroy those
bunny rabbits..forgets his ass..due to your forgetfulness..
the other one..now is deaf..can't hear a damn thang..lol..
no supper for ya...i ain't mad at ya..i went to church...had
my bread and wine..body and blood of Jesus..got home..started
cooking saturday night..never a break for Shayla..isis..create..
family..all the time..oh but they helped me..i went to bed
early last night..yeah..:}peace..Create..
Learn your family..
learn..when they haven't been around for years.
learn..who they are to you..as individuals..
who are human beings..when distance takes a
course in never knowing..your past...present
future endeavours..knowing..it's not a fault
when growing changes directions..but..a learning
process..except the changes at will..without
feeling it's a punishment..not to grow in wisdom
think..but..growng in love..it comes with
maturity..to focus..leave adolescence..leave
childhood..and in that change..we must separate
go our separate ways..explore our differences..
but always remain that circle of life...
the only time..we speak with fork tongues..
feeling it's not your fault..not guilty..until
the longrun..stopped u in your tracks..
takes u there..where speech wears thin..got
nothing to say...where the mouth opens..showed
you..it was not right at all..silence draws a
close...ends what justifies love in life..as your
blood..when it means something..then your missed.
CREATE>>the title2b DISPLAYED as...poetry..love
and forgiveness..
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