Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The tree of life...a beauty to be hold..becomes the earth's survival..a breath of fresh air..the dawn of a new day..our world..earth..our home.. what grows to nurish..performs when the sun shines as our safety..we need to abind from the elements..create the methods of restoration..begin where life calls for help..what grieves when nature's leaves will wither..drops.. falls..die..will you become the antidote.. a cure to wear life rejuvenated.. rare and strong..we was given a paradise..land to continue wearing as our skin the dirt within our length of time predicted..the respitorial..the lungs.. the scent of smell..the taste to adquire..strong bill of health..i see a robin breast sitting in it's mother's nest..where home consoles the earth's music..shares it's harmony..sings the sound God makes..where we would stare..smile..feed the effects of hearing..one of his gifts we learned as beauty..nothing the Lord takes for granted ..like humans do..and in the event of living..can we afford 2 neglect our communities..our HUMAMITY..who he has witnessed for so many generations..will we remain steadfast..become the energy saved..allow ourselves to forget change..when you look at this tree..what does it mean 2 youre future the security blanket of strength in our system..when will u take life serious..stop living among your means to stay commercialized.. manufactured with heirloams..expensive commodities...instead of replacing life as 2 do process...the intentions to worship life to recycle..clean.. be4 the tide rises above your means 2 save our surface..b4 the water becomes your end b4 the storms begin..be4 your mind eliminates positive ideas..ignore whats getting worse..right in your mist..the tree is a message..it comes as your refuse..were all LIVING..one circle..with a hole..black as the night.. when sight wears no sun..your worth is accountable..your time is limited..the sparrow is crying..the heart is denying..what wasn't ask to b animal..mineral.. human being..blessed..this was a decision owned and operated as..the life of the land of the beautiful..home of the brave n battle..the times spent..at your risk. we live as a solemn word sworn in as capital..let's stop the careless whisper and open up a can of whip ass reminders..if you don't save the enviornment.. living on the edge of doubt and dumbness..your air has begun to increase disease..better stop living so selfish..change your ways of thinking..give bac to this cycle..what rotates at 360..suddenly gets tired..cuts all that supplies a race going broke..sick and dying..without a cure..telethons are still pleading..think..whatcha gonna do...get buzzzzzy PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE..STOP PLAYING GET moving>>>the branches of a tree represents Family..keep life living..keep love breathing..green shopping bags..relieve yourselves of plastics..it saves the air quality..PEACE..CREATE..Shayla... USE GREEN SHOPPING BAGS..NO PLASTICS BAGS OR CONTAINERS..

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