Today..i was given a poem from one of my friends on stumbleupon..his name is David Cartier,,i am kinda mistified..why would this gentleman b sending such a very personal poem..of which I indentified with..it's so scary..it's like he's sending me a message..of what he has already felt about me..mmm..he's a writer of poetry as well
his work is on..AUTHSPOT..He's been sending them for about 3 weeks now..what has me to think..he's a missionary..i read one in particular..it's about when he went to Africa..saw the people with much devistation..living with life so poor and brutal..i guess he's been reading my poetry..because he states..thank u for understanding we are alike..so in the process of learning his mind..i got a poem from him this morning
i was shocked..this is what he said:
Just because u cannot touch..doesn't mean u cannot love..
2 hearts..beating as one though very far apart..will love
reach them both..how can there be different..as lest as it
seems..yet..hearts still beats as one girl..one boy..from
different lands..the battle can b won..lie awake and gaze
up high into the moonlight night..and realize that very
same..our dreams will still burn bright..for when 2 hearts
beat as one..nothing can stand in there way..true hearts
always conquer distance and i'll wait here every day..Yes..
i'll wait here every day...by David Cartier...
Here's the answer to what he wrote: (ME)
As the path has enough to stand..break hearts so settled..
where mines has given up at all cost..where..my pain waits
for no man..what gave the love to someone near..not far..
even though..i stll dream and dream and dream about the
distance..where shores able body 2 drink the pleasures of
him and i..when my eyes witness too much exposah in like...
so i'm told..where paradise tempted my heart..it's a thing
of the past..even though..when i take a look..just one..
my soul locks in his embrace..to wanna kiss..lick his whole
anatomy..from head 2 toe..though it hurts like hell..i just
think thoughts of forever and after a day of make believe..
it gets more frustrating..so i said politely..fuck it..the
touch i can'i reach..but been in love for a long time..with
silence..as it's speech..where i am the past poem written..
and my love gave up time drifting..engaged with a woman..
knowing who she wanted..needed..made her smile..can't keep
going on with somewhere..when..the trip is not worth someone
elses heart. in times being met..yours..leaving..saying goodbye
meaning..i don't ever wanna..so i let it go..anyway..gave it
2 God..the rest is history..what was deep..I wear those rhymes..
would u b my lawful wedded writer..YES..WHERE I REPLIED..I DO..
I was disappointed..must be a firm hand..with a line that rings
true..life goes on..so i keep my word..still writing..still
thinking...i never had a chance at all..lol..the jokes on me..
hope it's for keeps..mines was..sorry if i went through your
poem..without a thought of u at all..took me there..but led me
elsewhere..forgive me..PEACE..SHEILA JORDAN..CREATE
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