2 Dignify a trail period..it legislates days..accompanies me..i travel with a
mind theory..keeping my head up..my affiliates fore warned me...the trip is just
one of many more 2 come inside of your testimonies..how many ..i don't know..
seen so many repeat performances at Canal street..the law binding adventure..
where your clothes reads who u are Gangland...(the massacare)..the bandana..BLUE..
a danger 2 societyat MCDonald eats...but you see a waste of time...in rage..innocent...you clear me as gunfire..what i'm being charged..2 interpid my moments worn guilty...tired..i become..the time left for a case in theory..finds you down and out of jury...here i go..when all the time ..your not a matter of which ..stands as truth..but leaves another misdemeanor in doubt...just one more
in da box..the undercover cop comes..showing his badge..dumping on crimes..which took place in his honor..but kills the call to bare my innocence..selling a double homicide..what murders..hangs the client.. a case close in proximeter..favors a
done deal by do primose..the bullets bite..no law biting citizen is capable in my defense....what becomes the noose..where results reveals..i get more time ..with
no release..holds me 2 an insanity plead....continues to keep u locked away for 10years...felt it best for the world...a man and his mistakes are held responsible..
u either live to die..or die trying 2 live...it's where you belong..Rikers Correctional Facility..held in contempt..against your own will..i love ya Brotha WILLIAM MORROW..MY MAN'S LILbaby BROTHA...10 years 4 nothing..still slammed and shackled...that bullshit mantality...locking ya down SLAVERY..prisons are being built..and you call me..the release..freedom..i call you a pathetic contradiction..LIAR..where the cycle repeats itself..whats destinct in A
BLACKman's case in court...at 100 Centre st..in Mahattan..NYC...MISS U MUCH..CREATE
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