BlackPlanet.com - Read Note:
"From: cartwheel69
To: cws812je
Subject: Re: cartwheel69 tried
to send you an IM
Hello Pretty Sheila,
Oh, you're a gorgeous woman,
I couldn't resist writing.(LOL)
I'm sure you get lots of emails
and mine is probably
at the bottom
of your list.
But I'm gonna tell you a
little story, and try to get
my name moved up to the top.
One day, after seeing
your profile up here,
I am walking
down the beach on
CDA Lake,
thinking about you.
I almost trip over a
bottle lying in the sand.
Wow! What a
beautiful bottle.
I start rubbing the sand
off it to get a better look.
(I'm very good at
rubbing and massaging)
LOL Bam!
Out pops a Genie.
I mean the real thing,
turbine hat, pointed
shoes, the
Anyway, the Genie,
thanks me for getting him
out of the bottle,
and offers
me 3 wishes.
I don't even hesitate
when asking for my wishes.
1. You would get
this email
2. You would read
and respond to my email
3. Someday we would
get to meet each other
The Genie
couldn't believe his ears
! He said,
'Why didn't you ask for
several beautiful women,
a long life, and
lots of money?'
I replied,
'I have a good life,
plenty of
money, and I don't want
several women,
I just
YOU!' Sweetie,
do you
now what I sacrificed?
I gave it all up
for you,
money, women,
everything important
to most men."
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