Saturday, September 5, 2009

Your blog - StumbleUpon

Your blog - StumbleUpon: "WALL 2 WALL CONTACTS As I wake the voices rages above me..a arguement gets out of control..I hold on to privacy for my dreams..where I smile.. I lace myself with your embrace.. u smile back..kiss the wind of paradise..were the flava of berries and cream becomes your appeal.. we'll embark on a mystery..we will lavish ourselves the cure to handle sadness up above our room the sign of danger ahead..but..we dare not interfere with neglect..what serves time spent,what nudges away from..whats untangled..released THE love of marriage..not available for use 2b in love.. claimed love forever.. while our room smells of nature..taking upper case rages volume left big words with no defense,fails.. moments kept..while beneath what has been heaven..the walls do not sleep..tells the story of..what goes around the block and back ..lost track of listening..when worlds collide..the aftermath.. ruined..CREATEAug 13, 4:19am"

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