Thursday, October 1, 2009 - Read Note

welcome to another episode of : Sheila's notes>> - Read Note: "Category:MEETING A STRANGER
had 2 be a piece of me 4 sure..lolol To: cws812je Subject: hi Wow you have hair beautiful eyes beautiful nose beautiful lips beautiful You are really beautiful deserves to be
Miss World You are a beautiful woman
and great merit more than that please add me to your email..waiel I hope see you in front of my eyes I swear You are a beautiful woman I would be the happiest man in the world... when we are together"...Reply...
"come on now"
The sun don't rise and set off of words...
just a fragment of charm..
desire gets ur heart pumpin for a person u
have looked at about a second
talking what eyes are seeing...rappin..
whats said and done..using that
valentino script ..with no act to fellow..
but lines u rehearsed b4 with
the same techiques...basic serenades..
songs I heard over and over again
how many times does it take to
how many times do eyes
translate..through whats is ok..
but six..damn..
whats going on..your so into my picture...
compliments, beggin..I
must tell u..this is not the way to get
my friendship for attention..the
list goes much I'm being looked upon...
played with..jive talkin and balls about u..all signs of a soft ice cream pop...
melts n ur mouth..
but certainy..not in my hands...arms or lips...thanks for taken notice
Create..Sheila T Jordan the hair was
covered in a wrap..
what do u know about me anyway..check ur self..
lies have become
your make-up...busted..
lolol..can't even busta nut..while bustin a move
it's been real..STRANGER

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