BlackPlanet.com - Read Note: "To: cws812je
Subject: Hi Sweetie,
My name is Frank..i came across your page and i have to confess
that my eye got captivated by your beauty and profile.will like for
us to know more better if you don't mind.hmm i hope you're not
taken yet cause i wouldn't want to share a woman with any man..
lol.you can hit me up on yahoo or you write me telling me more
about yourself will respond back when i get it..can't wait to hear
from you..Kisses"
words captured my moment
when,u find what discovers Life on a bp
website i am
what can be mellow sounds
that drifts among
the light of days once found
a picture perfect smile..
the heart met
what begins a love story
grins as your
captures the look..greets
it's sage and ginger
where I am the elements
of flava..deep within
you humble
the look of well kept
a heart met..devine
an age I remain..the youth of delite..
where I see u..a loving
cup of sugah
and I'm the
honey measured
quite a roar on LA strip reaching out from
I am pleased that you are interested
but I am very shy
a lifeless woman who believes
time does heal
what I need badly..a man with a mission
searching for a love
making me feel like I'm beautiful
so ..with this letter
I can become the future in miracles
but..This is just a way to
represent my statis as female
another one from NYC you probably
talked like this2 before
I do appreciate
what you expressed hun..but..I'm in 2 my
goals and asperations
what reaches
higher ground 2 level rights
a Queens of habit
natures finest
whats stares back at u
creates talent above all and everything
missing in
life..the message of true ability
know how it feels to b
the conquest
given..within my means
a woman..with a lotta dreams
to make happen..
no offense to anyone right now..
when the
stops performing
the audience disconnects
the wires
ends another night
says it's been nice and I'm
glad we had this time together
Just to have a
laugh or tell a story
what winks an eye and shakes my
hand..shakes the house
released a sound
which shared
the voyage of Life's culture
create..my thunder..where I leave you with
lyrics of how I get 2 know
left in reverse..I need to catch up with..
in time of therapy
BE Blessed
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